Milo Jelly Mooncake美禄燕菜月饼

There are still three leftover jelly red bean fillings in the refrigerator, so I used them to make this Milo jelly mooncake!😉

For the Jelly egg yolk and filling, please refer to my other jelly mooncakes recipe: 

Milo Jelly Mooncake
Mooncake Skin Ingredients皮材料(5pcs) :

Milo powder 美禄粉 50g 
Water 水 400ml 
Condensed milk 炼奶 50ml  
Sugar 细砂糖 30g   
Agar-agar powder 燕菜粉 2tsp  
Instant jelly power 果冻粉 1tsp 


Place ingredients into a pot. Stir well and bring it to a boil. Remove pot from heat. Pour some jelly water into mooncake mould, place in filling and fill jelly water to the brim. Leave to cooled, chill them in the fridge until firm. Unmould and serve !

Happy Making
