SUPER SOFT Milk Loaf 超軟牛奶吐司

I  like to try different bread recipes. This bread loaf is really soft, moist and delicious. Give it a try!! 😉

 👆Make sandwich with cheese slice, fried egg, ham and salad.😋

 👆Spread some peanut butter or Raspberry jam... yummy!

高筋面粉400g Bread Flour
汤种面团 100g Tang Zhong
速溶酵母3g Instant Yeast
细砂糖35g sugar
盐3g  Salt
牛奶270g  Full Cream Milk
无盐奶油40g  Unsalted Butter

表面:全蛋液 Surface: Egg Wash

1. 将所有材料(奶油除外)加入面包机盆中,设定揉面功能。
2. 开始成面团时,加入奶油。
3. 让面团做第一次发酵至2倍大。或取出面团放入一个抹了油的大碗中发酵至2倍大。
4. 桌上洒些高筋面粉,将面团移出到桌面,表面也洒些高筋面粉。
5. 用手轻轻压下去把面团中的空气排出来。
6. 把面团分割成4等份滚圆,盖上布松弛15分钟。
7. 将面团杆成长形面皮,然后再卷起来,收口朝下,整齐排入面包烤盘中。
8. 喷洒一些水在面包表面,盖上,再发酵50-60分钟或至7- 8分满。
9. 进烤箱前在发好的面团上轻轻刷上一层全蛋液。
10. 放进已经预热170度C的烤箱中烘焙40分钟至表面呈现金黄色即可。
11. 移至网架上冷却。

1 我把多一粒的面团来做面包卷。
2  面包卷的做法可以参考这里:
3 汤种面团的做法可以参考这里:

Super Soft Milk Loaf
1. Add all ingredients (except butter) to the bread machine bowl and set the kneading function.
2. When starting to form dough, add butter.
3. Let the dough ferment for the first time to twice the size. Or take out the dough and ferment in a large oiled bowl until double the size.
4. Sprinkle some bread flour on the table, remove the dough to the table, and sprinkle some bread flour on the surface.
5. Press down gently with your hands to expel the air from the dough.
6. Divide the dough into 4 equal portions, form into round balls and cover with cloth and rest for 15 minutes.
7. Roll and stretch each dough into a rectangle and swiss roll up then put into a loaf pan.
8.Spray some water on the surface of the bread, cover and ferment for another 50-60 minutes or until 70%-80% full.
9. Gently brush a layer of egg wash onto the dough before put into the oven.
10. Bake in preheated oven  at 170 ° C for 40 minutes until the surface is golden brown.
11. Move to the rack to cool.

1. I used the extra piece of dough to make bread rolls.
2. The making of bread roll can refer to here:
3. Tang Zhong dough can be referenced here:

Happy Baking!
