My last batch of mooncakes 🥮😘
油皮制作 oil skin👇
油酥制作crisp: crisp👇
~油皮 oil skin: 大约可以做12-13个
奶油 butter 70g
中筋面粉 plain flour 200g
糖粉 sugar powder 30g
冰水 ice water 90g
~油酥 crisp:
奶油 butter 100g
低筋面粉 cake flour 160g
紫薯粉 purple potato powder 20g
~芋頭餡 Taro Filling 710g
1. 把油皮材料全部放入钢盆直接手揉均勻混合成团即可。油皮完成均分成12颗,盖上保鮮膜,松弛30分钟。
2. 将油酥的所有材料放入钢盆,直接用手抓勻成团,將完成的油酥均分成12等份。
3. 把松弛完成的油皮用手掌按压后,包入油酥。收口捏緊。
4. 把收口处朝上,先用手掌按压推开, 再用擀面棍擀开。
5. 接着使用斜卷法,从左上角斜卷下來,然后用双手搓长,
6. 再用擀面棍擀长,再由下往上卷起來,使用刀切割一半
7. 把切面朝下,先用手掌稍微压扁,再堆叠另一半,压扁,接着使用擀面棍,从中间开始,往上下左右擀开。
8. 擀好记得最后要让切开面朝外,包覆餡料,收口捏緊。
9. 預热烤箱170度,把螺旋千层芋头酥送入烘烤30分钟。
1. 烤箱温度自己拿捏。
2. 可以用无水奶油制作,烤出来的皮会更加酥脆。
3. 芋頭餡的做法可以去参考我这里:
1. Put all the oil skin ingredients into a bowl and mix well. Divided the oil skin into 12 pieces, covered with plastic wrap and allowed to rest for 30 minutes.
2. Mix all the pastry ingredients into a soft dough. Divide the pastry dough into 12 pieces.
3. Flatten yhe oil skin and wrap in the pastry dough.
4. Roll it with a rolling pin.
5. Then use the oblique roll method, roll down from the upper left corner, and then lengthen it by rolling it into a long log.
6. Use a rolling pin to roll it , then swill roll up from the bottom and cut it into half with a knife.
7. With the cut surface facing down, first flatten it with the palm, then stack up the other half, flatten it, then use a rolling pin roll it into a flat round shape.
8.With the cut surface face outward, cover the filling, and seal tightly.
9. Preheat the oven at 170 C and bake the Taro Pastry for 30 minutes.
Happy Baking!
油酥制作crisp: crisp👇
~油皮 oil skin: 大约可以做12-13个
奶油 butter 70g
中筋面粉 plain flour 200g
糖粉 sugar powder 30g
冰水 ice water 90g
~油酥 crisp:
奶油 butter 100g
低筋面粉 cake flour 160g
紫薯粉 purple potato powder 20g
~芋頭餡 Taro Filling 710g
1. 把油皮材料全部放入钢盆直接手揉均勻混合成团即可。油皮完成均分成12颗,盖上保鮮膜,松弛30分钟。
2. 将油酥的所有材料放入钢盆,直接用手抓勻成团,將完成的油酥均分成12等份。
3. 把松弛完成的油皮用手掌按压后,包入油酥。收口捏緊。
4. 把收口处朝上,先用手掌按压推开, 再用擀面棍擀开。
5. 接着使用斜卷法,从左上角斜卷下來,然后用双手搓长,
6. 再用擀面棍擀长,再由下往上卷起來,使用刀切割一半
7. 把切面朝下,先用手掌稍微压扁,再堆叠另一半,压扁,接着使用擀面棍,从中间开始,往上下左右擀开。
8. 擀好记得最后要让切开面朝外,包覆餡料,收口捏緊。
9. 預热烤箱170度,把螺旋千层芋头酥送入烘烤30分钟。
1. 烤箱温度自己拿捏。
2. 可以用无水奶油制作,烤出来的皮会更加酥脆。
3. 芋頭餡的做法可以去参考我这里:
1. Put all the oil skin ingredients into a bowl and mix well. Divided the oil skin into 12 pieces, covered with plastic wrap and allowed to rest for 30 minutes.
2. Mix all the pastry ingredients into a soft dough. Divide the pastry dough into 12 pieces.
3. Flatten yhe oil skin and wrap in the pastry dough.
4. Roll it with a rolling pin.
5. Then use the oblique roll method, roll down from the upper left corner, and then lengthen it by rolling it into a long log.
6. Use a rolling pin to roll it , then swill roll up from the bottom and cut it into half with a knife.
7. With the cut surface facing down, first flatten it with the palm, then stack up the other half, flatten it, then use a rolling pin roll it into a flat round shape.
8.With the cut surface face outward, cover the filling, and seal tightly.
9. Preheat the oven at 170 C and bake the Taro Pastry for 30 minutes.
Happy Baking!
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