Cranberry Chocolate Mud Cake with Whisky

I baked this chocolate cake to bring over to Bukit Tinggi trip with my Kuala Pilah schoolmates. Beside this cake, I also baked a coffee cake. Unfortunately, I didn't take a photo of the cakes.... sigh!😓

Cranberry Chocolate Mud  Cake with Whisky


50g Dried Cranberry

3 Tbsps  Whisky (You may put more...)

~ Soak the dried cranberry in whisky for half to one hour.

For the cake:

3            eggs

170g     sugar

250ml   vegetable oil

250ml   full cream milk 

155g     all purpose flour

1 tsp     baking powder

80g      cocoa powder

Chocolate ganache:

200 g whip cream

250 milk chocolate

15 g butter

~ some whisky to coat the cake.

Bake at preheated oven @ 140C for 60 minutes.

☝Group photo😍
