Pickled Jicama Orange Flavoured

Craving something light and Springy? This jicama pickle are crunchy, and tangy citrus flavors that seem to taste of the sunshine.😊

Pickled Jicama Orange Flavoured


1 jicama
2 oranges juice
1 Assam boi
1 orange peels (optional)
50g  sugar ( sweetness depends on your preference)
pinch of salt
1/2 cup  water


  1. Peel jicama, rinse and cut into thin slices.
  2. Combine water,  orange juice, sugar, assam boi and pinch of salt (+ orange peels, optional) in a small saucepan over low heat. Stir until sugar has dissolved. Turn off stove. 
  3. Add in sliced jicama and set aside.
  4. Transfer to a sterilized jar.
  5. Allow to marinate for approximately 2-3 hours before serving.
  6.  Store pickle in the refrigerator for an extra crunchy taste.

Happy Making!
