Coffee Chiffon Cake 咖啡戚风蛋糕

Today is my dearest hubby's birthday. I made this coffee cake for him to celebrate his birthday. Cheers to many, many more years of celebrating your birthday together.💋❤️ Wishing you:


Coffee Chiffon Cake 咖啡戚风蛋糕


Corn oil 30g

Milk 40g

Instant coffee powder 5g

Hot water 1 tsp

Cake flour 60g

Salt 1g

Egg yolk 3

Egg white 3

Sugar 60g

Coffee Cream:

Heavy cream 350g

Sugar 30g

Instant coffee powder 5g

Hot water 1 tsp

Coffee Cream cheese Whipped Cream Frosting (my own recipe):

100g   Cream cheese

250g    Whipping cream

30g      Caster sugar

1 tsp    Coffee powder

1tsp      Hot water

Recipe reference from: PastriesLab

Happy Baking!
