Supreme Matcha Cake 抹茶至尊蛋糕

I made this Matcha cake for my good friend, Cindy. We were celebrating her 60th birthday this year. 😘

Everyone loved the cake. Yeah!! 💗

Supreme Matcha Cake 至尊抹茶蛋糕

Ingredients :

4           Egg  yolks

1/2 tsp  Vanilla extract  

35g        Oil

35g        Milk

60g       Cake flour 

8g         Matcha Powder

3       Egg whites 

Dash of  lemon juice/ vinegar

50g   Castor sugar

Cream cheese + Butter Whipped cream Frosting:

160g   Unsalted butter

50g     Condensed Milk

100g  Cream cheese

300g   Heavy cream

Some Raspberry jam


1. Heat up oil in Microwave till warm (about 30 seconds) and add in sifted flour ( + Matcha powder ), stir well.

2. Add in milk into the batter, mix well.

3. Add in eggs ( one at a time)  and mix well. A dd in vanilla essence and mix well. Set aside.

4.  Beat egg whites until frothy then add in lemon juice and beat it till foamy, add in sugar gradually and beat it till firm peaks.

5.  Fold meringue into the egg mixtures in three portions.

6. Tab the pan to remove air bubbles.

7. Bake at 160°C for 15 minutes, then 40 minutes at 150°C.

8. Once it done, remove from oven, tab the pan to release air and turn it upside down to cool completely (about 1 hour ).  

9. Lightly beaten the cream cheese and sugar. Pour in the whipping cream and whisk until fluffy and firm.

10. Beat the butter and condensed milk until light and fluffy. 

11. Slowlly add in the whipped cream cheese, and mix well. Devide the mixture and mix with colour. 

12. Assemble the cake and decorate it as you like!

Happy Baking!
