Taiwanese Crispy Donut 台湾脆皮鲜奶甜甜圈

This Taiwanese Crispy Donut is crispy outside yet soft inside, with a slightly chewy texture, and coated with powdered sugar and  milk powder are awesome! Not too sweet or oily. Definitely worth trying to make it!😋❤️

第一次做这个台湾脆皮鲜奶甜甜圈, 外酥内Q,不错吃啦!不过,我还是喜欢美式甜甜圈!😜 看看这刚炸好的甜甜圈,金黄色的脆皮,超级疗愈啊!😘❤️








(1) 取一只攪拌盆,放入雞蛋、糖及牛奶拌勻,再放入酵母粉拌勻。倒入高筋麵粉拌勻至麵團些微成型後,密封靜置15分鐘。

(2) 放入軟化的奶油與麵團拌勻,並將麵團拍打至表面光滑,再密封發酵至2倍大,約90分鐘。

(3) 取一只攪拌盆,將低筋麵粉及泡打粉過篩至盆中,再分批倒入冰水拌勻後,放入食用油拌勻,再放入冷藏備用,至少30分鐘。

(4) 將發酵後的麵團分成10等份,將小麵團揉圓並輕壓表面後,以手指穿透麵團中心,以製作甜甜圈之外型,再蓋上保鮮膜靜置30分鐘。

(5) 將油鍋加熱至140到160°C,將甜甜圈麵團均勻沾裹冷藏後的粉漿,並立即放入油鍋中油炸至表面金黃即可。

(6) 取一只攪拌盆,將奶粉與糖粉拌勻,再放入甜甜圈均勻沾裹即可。


Taiwanese Crispy Donuts|Ingredients for 10pcs:

2 eggs, 30g sugar, 170ml milk, 1 tsp Instant yeast (fast acting yeast), 400g bread flour or all-purpose flour, 50g soften unsalted butter


80g cake flour (low-gluten flour), 1/4 tsp baking powder, 150ml cold water, 1 tbsp cooking oil

Milk powder:

20g powdered sugar, 80g whole milk powder ( I prefer sweeter, so the ratio is 1:1 because the donut is not sweet)


(1) In a mixing bowl, add eggs, sugar and milk, then mix well. Add the instant yeast and mix well. Add the bread flour and stir well until a dough slightly forms, then cover the mixing bowl and let it rest for 15 minutes.

(2) Add the soften unsalted butter, mix well with the dough until smooth on the outside, then  cover the mixing bowl. Let it rest for 90 minutes or until the dough is doubles in size.

(3) In a mixing bowl, sift the cake four and baking powder, gradually add the cold water and mix well, then add cooking oil and mix well. Let the batter rest in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

(4) Divide the dough into 10 servings, round them into a ball and gently press the dough surface, then press a hole in the middle of the dough. Cover the dough with plastic wrap, let it rest for 30 minutes.

(5) Heat the oil to 140 to 160°C, coat the dough with the batter, then add the dough into the pot immediately, deep-fry the dough until golden brown.

(6) In a mixing bowl, add whole milk powder and powdered sugar, then mix well. Coat the donut with the milk powder evenly. Enjoy!

Recipe copy and paste from: BenLee Kitchen

Happy Making!
