This steamed cake recipe I followed from instagram. The result wasn't my liking. Perhaps, I proofed too long or steamed too long... the cake is a bit dried.😓
Brown Sugar Sponge Cake 红糖发糕-酵母版食谱
Ingredients 材料:
70g Dark Brown Sugar 红糖
180g Hot Water 热水
3g Instant Yeast 速发酵母 ( add in the yeast after the sugar water has cooled)
2 Eggs
290g All-purpose Flour 中筋面粉
1. Disolve sugar in hot water. Let cool.
2. Add in yeast and mix well.
3. Add in eggs and mix well.
4. Add in flour and mix well. Set aside to proof for one hour or double in volume.
5. Stir well to release air. Add in some chopped cramberries and mix well.
6. Pour into a grease pan and topped with some chopped cranberries.
7. Proof for 30 minutes or until the batter reached the brim of the pan.
8. Steam for 35-40 minutes over medium high heat.
9. Let cool for 5 minutes then remove from pan and let it cool on a rack.
Happy Making!
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