On a whim, I wanted to eat ma lai gao. So I made this simple version of coconut sugar steamed sponge cake aka Gula Melaka ma lai gao. No need to wait for fermentation, after mixing, it can be steamed directly! It is best eaten while the cake is still warm!😘
Coconut Palm sugar Ma Lai Gao 椰糖马来糕(简易版)
Ingredients材料: (6-inch cake pan) (6寸糕盆)
2 pcs Eggs 鸡蛋
80g Palm sugar 椰糖
20g Brown sugar 黃糖
80ml Milk 牛奶
100g All purpose flour 中筋面粉
20g Custard powder吉士粉
8g Baking powder 泡打粉
25ml Cooking oil 食用油
1. Disolve coconut palm sugar over a low heat, turn off heat and add in half of the milk, stir well. Set aside.
2. Lightly beat the eggs, add brawn sugar, stir well.
3. Add in coconut palm sugar, and stir well.
4. Add in sifted flour, custard powder and baking powder, and stir well.
5. Pour into a prepare 6“ pan lined with greaseproof paper.
6. Steam over medium-high heat for about 30 - 35minutes.
7. After turn off the heat and carefully remove the lid to avoid the water drip on the cake.Take out the cake and let it cool for 2 minutes, then remove it from pan and open the greeseproof papper, let it cool on a rack.
1. 椰糖以小火溶化,关火加入一半牛奶,搅匀。 搁置。
3. 加入椰糖,搅拌均匀。
4. 加入过筛的面粉、吉士粉和泡打粉,搅拌均匀。
5. 倒入准备好的 6 英寸蒸锅,内衬防油纸。
6. 以中高火蒸约30 - 35分钟。
7. 关火后小心揭开盖子,以免水滴到蛋糕上。取出蛋糕放凉2分钟,然后从烤盘中取出,打开防油纸,放在架子上晾凉 .
Happy Making!
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