咖啡曲奇 Coffee Cookies

Coffee cookies are always one of my favorite cookies. These cookies are crispy and look beautiful too!

咖啡曲奇 Coffee Cookies

Ingredients 材料 :

150g          unsalted butter (无盐牛油)

80g            icing sugar (糖粉)

33g            1 egg white (蛋白)

1/2 tbsp    instant coffee powder (即溶咖啡粉)

1/2 tbsp    hot water (热水)

1/4 tsp      coffee essence (咖啡香精)

200g          plain flour (普通面粉)

1/4 tsp       salt (盐)

Some chocolate chips (巧克力粒)

Bake in a preheated oven at 160°C for 20 minuets.

