天然五彩湯圓Natural Color Glutinous Rice Balls/ Tang Yuan

这个汤圆我是提前一晚做的。然后放进冰箱冷藏一晚,第二天早上煮。花生碎是我在烘培店买的,加一些砂糖,拌一拌,就可以了。是不是很方便! 我喜欢把汤圆粘一些糖花生碎吃,特别香和好吃哟!😘




                      Happy Winter Soltice!

天然五彩湯圓Natural Color Glutinous Rice Balls/ Tang Yuan



糯米粉 300克  

粘米粉 10克 (熟麵粉:10克粘米粉+60毫升 水,小火煮成糊)

細砂糖 25克

蝶豆花/藍花汁 60ml(50朵蝶豆花去蒂 + 60ml水 煮滾取汁)

斑蘭汁 60ml (10片斑蘭汁+60ml水 打成汁)

金瓜粉 25克

紫薯粉 25克


1.5L 水 

160克 糖 /冰糖 (甜度可以自己調)


3片 斑蘭葉 打結



1. 300克 糯米粉 , 25克 細砂糖,和熟粉(粘米粉糊)混合拌勻,然後將粉分成5等份

2. 分別將糯米粉加入水(白色),蝶豆花汁(藍色),斑蘭汁(青色),金瓜粉(黃色),紫薯粉 (紫色)混和拌勻,搓揉成為不沾手的粉團。若覺得太濕就加點粉,太幹就加一點點水。






加入少許熟粉團一起搓,主要是讓湯圓口感比較Q, 粉團不會那麼快變幹,吃起來口感沒那麼膩,麵糰也比較好操作。


如果提早1兩天做,還沒煮的的湯圓,必須搓好成型,然後撒一些糯米粉在湯圓裡面,避免湯圓粘黏一起,然後放入盒子或ziplock 袋收冰箱就可以了。如果1週左右才煮,直接放冰格上面,要煮時,放在溫室解凍,就可以了

Natural Color Glutinous Rice Balls/ Tang Yuan 


300g glutinous rice flour

10g rice flour (cooked flour: 10g rice flour + 60ml water, cook into a paste on low heat)

25g caster sugar

Butterfly pea flower juice 60ml (50 butterfly pea flowers to remove the stems + 60ml water, boil the juice)

Pandan juice 60ml (10 pieces of pandan juice + 60ml water blend to make juice)

Pumpkin powder 25g

Purple sweet potato powder 25g

Sugar syrup

1.5L water

160g sugar / rock sugar (sweetness can be adjusted by yourself)

Small piece of ginger (beat flat)

3 Pandan leaves knotted

After the sugar water is cooked, let it cool and set aside


1. 300g of glutinous rice flour, 25 grams of caster sugar, mix well with cooked flour (rice flour paste), then divide the flour into 5 equal parts

2. Add glutinous rice flour to water (white), butterfly pea flower juice (blue), pandan juice (cyan), pumpkin powder (yellow), purple sweet potato powder (purple) and mix well, knead and knead to make a non-stick powder group. If it feels too wet, add some glutinous rice flour, and if it’s too dry, add a little water.

3. Knead the dough into strips, cut into several equal parts with a knife, and knead into round balls.

4. After the water is boiled, pour the glutinous rice balls, and cook until the glutinous rice balls float and expand automatically, then you can remove them

5. Spread the dumplings in cold water

6. Add sugar water and enjoy


The main purpose to add some cooked Rice flour (Rice flour paste)is to make the glutinous rice balls have a better texture, and the dough will not dry out so quickly. The taste is not so greasy and the dough is easier to handle.

Recipe copy from: Shadajie Kitchen 傻大姐美食厨房

Happy Making!
