No baked Blueberry Lemon Cheesecake蓝莓柠檬免烤芝士蛋糕

Since I have the ingredients in the fridge, so, I make this no baked cheesecake for our dessert. 

I made one 7 inches cheesecake and four miniature cheesecake. Three flavours in one cake~~ blueberry flavour and lemon flavour in the cheesecake, buttery and salty flavour in the biscuit crumb base. Really delicious! 😋

No baked Blueberry Lemon Cheesecake



Biscuit base:

250g       Ground Digestive biscuits 

100g       Melted butter 

Cheese filling:

330g             Cream Cheese 

110g             Sugar 

3 Tbps          Lemon juice 

1 Lemon      Grated Lemon Peel

70ml            Water 

20g              Gelatin powder 

250g            Whipping cream

250g            Blueberry filling


1. Mix the ground Digestive biscuits and melted butter well  and put into a mold, flatten it, and chill.

2. Sprinkle the gelatin powder on the surface of the water and let it stand aside.

3. Use a whisk to beat the cheese and sugar until soft and fluffy, add lemon juice and lemon zest, then beat it at a medium speed.

4. Put the soaked gelatin powder into the microwave for 20 seconds, remove and stir until the gelatin powder is completely dissolved, then pour it into the cream cheese batter and mix well.

5. Whip whipping cream unill medium peak. Fold in whipped cream into cream cheese batter.

6. Pour half of the cheese batter onto the biscuit crushed, and add  blueberry filling with the remaining cheese mixture, mix well then pour onto the previous cheese batter.

7. Put it in the refrigerator for more than 2 hours or overnight.

Happy Making!
