Hot Dog Buns 熱狗面包

There are some sausages in the fridge, so, I decided to make hotdog buns for dinner.

Hot Dog Buns 熱狗面包


240g    高筋面粉 bread flour   

60g      汤种  Tangzhong

30g      细砂糖 sugar   

1.5g (1/4tsp)   盐 salt   

 3g (1tsp)    即溶酵母 instant yeast  

1 (50g+- per egg)   全蛋 whole egg   

90ml+-      鮮奶 fresh milk   

20g           无盐奶油 unsalted butter   

Egg wash蛋液:

1 egg yolk + 3 tsp milk or water


香肠      Sausage

蛋黄酱   Mayonnaise

芥末酱   Mustard Sauce

沙拉       Salad

黄瓜片  Cucumber slices


  1. Mix all the ingredients except butter and knead well.
  2. Once dough forms a ball, add  butter into dough and continue kneading until dough is smooth and you can pull a thin membrane.
  3. Cover dough  and proof  till twice in size, about 60 mins.
  4. Punch out the air in the dough and split the dough into 6 pieces(76g +-) . 
  5. Shape each portion into small balls and cover with cling wrap to prevent drying and rest for 15 mins.
  6. To shape, flatten the dough and roll into rectangle shape. Roll into a cylinder.
  7. Place shaped buns onto a lined baking sheet. Cover with cling wrap and let the shaped buns proof till  2X in size.
  8. Brush some egg wash onto buns then bake at 170°C for 16- 18 mins.
  9. Let buns cool on the pan for a bit then transfer to a cooling rack. 
  10. To make hot dog bun, make a slit in the centre, place in a sausage(Hog Dog), salad, cucumber slices, spread some mustard or mayo or any sauce that you preferred. Enjoy!

Happy Baking!
