Snow Skin Mooncake 冰皮月饼

My daughter likes snow skin mooncake, so I make some colourful snow skin mooncakes. I It's nice to eat when it's chilled. 😘


Snow Skin Mooncake 冰皮月饼 

Snow Skin dough ingredients 冰皮月饼的材料:

55g       glutinous rice flour 糯米粉

45g      rice flour 粘米粉

25g      wheat starch 澄粉

30g      Powdered  sugar 糖粉

200g    water milk 水

20g      unsalted butter 无盐黄油*

* Also can be used 25g of corn oil or sun flower oil.

Colouring:(All natural No Artificial Colourings) (全天然色素)

1/2 tsp  Purple Sweet Potato Powder 紫薯粉

1/2 tsp   Green Tea Powder 绿茶粉

1 tsp       Strawberry Powder 草莓粉

Oreo Filling奧利奧餡:

115g      cream cheese (softened)忌廉芝士 (室溫)

3 pcs    Oreo cookies奧利奧曲奇餅

1 tsp     sweetened condensed milk煉奶

~ Mix well and fridze it.  Divide 25g each and fridze them again.

Wildberry filling野莓馅草莓餡 :*

115g      cream cheese忌廉芝士 (室溫)

2 tbsp    wildberry jam 野莓果醬 *

8 pcs      milk biscurts** 

~ Mix well and fridze it.  Divide 25g each and fridze them again.

*Can be used Strawberry jam. 

** Can be used other flavour biscurts.


1. Sift all the flour together.

2.Add in sugar and water  into the flour mixture.

3.Sift the mixture into a bowl. Steam for 25 minutes over high heat.

4. Take out, add in butter and use a spatula,  cut and mix until soft dough forms. Then use hand with plastic glove and knead for about 5-8 minutes.

5.Divide the dough into three portions. Each portion mix with the colouring and continue to knead until the colour are incorporated. Cover with cling wrap and keep in the frodge for one hour.

6. Divide the dough into 25g ball. Divide your filling into 25g ball.

6.Flatten your dough and put one filling ball onto it and wrap it around.

7.Dust them with some koufen, place it in the mooncake mould and press the mooncake out. 

8.Put them into airtight container and leave them to chill in fridge. Serve them cold. Put in fridge up to a week.

Happy Making! 
