Coconut Buns and Cheese & Spring Onion Sourdough Buns椰子面包和芝士香葱酸种面包

Coconut Buns and Cheese & Spring Onion Sourdough Buns



Bread Flour 200g 面包粉

All purpose flour 80g 通用面粉

Milk  powder 15g 奶粉

Caster sugar 30g 细砂糖

Levain  100g 酸种

Water  70ml 水

Dry yeast  1g 干酵母( Optional)

Salt  3g 盐

Egg 1pc 鸡蛋

Unsalted Butter (soften)  30g 无盐黄油(软化)


Cheddar Cheese slices 4 slices切达干酪片

Mayonnaise 蛋黄酱

Chopped spring onion  葱花

Coconut Filling:

60 g Gula Jawa or Palm Sugar, roughly chopped

2 Tbsp Cane Sugar

60 ml Water

2 Pandan Leaf, knotted

150 g Grated Coconut

~ Put all ingredients except grated Coconut, and cook on low heat until boiling, then add in grated Coconut and fry until the coconut absorbs water completly.


1. Mix all the ingredients except butter. Knead untill a soft dough forms.

2. Add in butter and knead unill the dough is visibly smooth and elastic. 

3. Cover the kneaded dough and proof until double in size.

4. Without kneading, divide the dough into 11 small portions, each about 50-52 grams. Round it with the palm of your hand and cover it with a cloth or plastic wrap and rest for 15 minutes. 

5. Shaping:

a) Flaten the dough, put a half slice of cheese, pinch the seal tightly, put it in the baking tray and the seal faces down.

b) Flaten the dough, put a tablespoon of coconut filling in the center, pinch the seal tightly, put it in the baking tray and the seal faces down. 

6. Final fermentation~~Cover the dough and ferment for 2 hours.

7. Preheat the oven at 180C.

8. Put the salad dressing in a piping bag, squeeze the z-shape on the surface of the bread, and sprinkle shredded cheese and chopped spring onions on the surface. 

9. Bake in the middle rack for 20-25 minutes or until the bread  surface becomes light golden brown.

10. After the bread is completely cooled, put it in an airtight box. Generally, it can be stored for 2 days at room temperature.


If use fan force mode, 180C bake for 15-18 minutes.

Happy Baking!
