Traditional Taiwanese Bread 台式面包/Assorted Bread 多种口味面包

This homemade Taiwanese bread is so yummy and they all look fabulous!😊

Traditional Taiwanese Bread 台式面包/Assorted Bread 多种口味面包


Bread Flour 400g 面包粉

All purpose flour 100g 通用面粉

Caster sugar 55g 细砂糖

Cold Water  70ml 

Dry yeast  5g 干酵母

Salt  5g 盐

Egg 1 pc 鸡蛋 (grad B)

Unsalted Butter (soften)  55g 无盐黄油(软化)


(A) 蔥花餡 / Scallion Bread Filling

1 根 蔥 / scallion

1 小匙 豬油 / lard (或是植物油/or vegetable oil)

1/4 小匙 鹽 / salt

1/4 小匙 白胡椒 / white pepper

(B) 120g Red Bean Paste (20g each) 红豆沙餡

(C) 甜奶油餡 / Sweet Butter Filling

65 g 室溫無鹽奶油 / room temperature unsalted butter

25 g 糖粉 / icing sugar

15 g 植物油 / vegetable oil

(D) 台式菠蘿皮 / Melon Bread Crust (Taiwanese Style)    

15 g 無鹽奶油 / unsalted butter

15 g 砂糖 / sugar

9 g 室溫蛋液 / room temperature egg

3 g 奶粉 / milk powder 

30 g 高筋麵粉 / bread flour 

(E) Mayonnaise Tuna


1. Mix all the ingredients except butter. Knead untill a soft dough forms.

2. Add in butter and knead unill the dough is visibly smooth and elastic. 

3. Take 180g dough and mix with 6g green tea powder, knead and mix well.

4. Rest the dough in room temperature for 1 - 2 hours.

5. Without kneading, divide the dough into 20 small portions (25g each), and 2 portions each about 40g.  6 portions from the green tea dough,each about 30g. Round the dough and cover it with a plastic wrap and rest for 15 minutes. 

6. Shaping:

(A) Bacon and Salami Bun: Flaten the dough, put a slice of salami and some shredded cheddar cheese, pinch and seal tightly, put it in the baking tray. After 2nd proofing,  put some garlic butter, a slice of bacon in the center, sprinkle chopped spring onion and shredded mozzarella cheese on the surface. 

(B) For Red Bean buns:  Flaten the dough, add red bean paste filling, seal it and flaten it again, slit a few line and roll into a strip, join both ends and pinch and seal tightly. Apply egg wash after 2nd proofing.

(C) For Spring Onion Cheese buns: Divide the dough into two long strip.  braiding or twisting like plaited hair shapes. Pinch the end to make sure it is secured. After 2nd proofing,  squeeze Mayonnaise in a random zigzag pattern over the bread, and sprinkle grated cheese and green onions on the surface.

(D) For Polo Buns:  Shape into a round ball, cover with the topping, and cut the shape.  After 2nd proofing, apply egg wash onto the topping.

(E) For Mayonnaise Tuna Bun: Flaten the dough, put a Tbsp of Mayo Tuna, pinch and seal. Proo until double in size. Brush egg wash and sprinkle some sesame seed on top the bun.

7. Apply egg wash onto the buns .

8. Bake in the preheated oven 180C for 12- 15 mins.

Recipe adapted from: 辣媽Shania & Ciao! Kitchen

Happy Baking!
