Bean paste Flower cookies- carnation, rose

I wanted to try making this beautiful cookies after I saw it from the youtube. Since I only have some leftover white lotus bean paste in the fridge, so I used them instead of white kidney bean paste. In order to get the right colour, so I needed to use some white color to get a light color bean paste.

Bean paste Flower cookies- carnation, rose

Making Flower Cookies! (Carnations, Roses)


500g white bean paste(I used white lotus bean paste)

1 egg yolk

60g  Almond powder  

Milk (for adjusting the consistency) - If the dough is stiff, add it little by little.

Food coloring :

Beetroot powder

Green tea powder 


  1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl.
  2. Divide into two portions and mix with colouring.
  3. Fill in a piping bag and piping flowers.
  4. Bake in an oven at 140C for 20 to 30 minutes.

Recipe references from: bloomingdays꽃피는하루

Happy Baking!
