Gula Melaka Steamed Cake / Ma Lai Gao 椰糖马来糕 (酵母版)


This Ma Lai Gao made with yeast has a fluffy and soft texture.  And this recipe is super easy to make and the bonus is without using electric mixer.😘

椰糖马来糕 (酵母版)


3 个         鸡蛋 (A级)

100 克    牛奶 

150 克    椰糖

2 小匙     香兰汁(香兰汁精华)* 可无

150 克    特幼面粉

1 茶匙     即溶酵母 

1/2 茶匙 苏打粉

1  茶匙    泡打粉 

80 克      玉米油


1. 把9吋 (23-cm)*的竹蒸笼铺上不沾烤盘纸备用。

2. 用小火把牛奶和椰糖一起煮至糖融化,过筛,放凉备用。

3  把粉类和即溶酵母搅拌至混合。

4  把蛋打散,加入椰糖奶浆和香兰汁拌匀。

5  再加入玉米油搅拌至混合。

6 把蛋奶浆慢慢加入干粉中,一边搅拌,直到形成面糊。

7 用滤网把面糊过筛,盖上,搁置在室温让面糊醒发30分钟或一小时。

8 把蒸炉的水大火烧开备用。

9 把面糊倒入竹蒸笼。

10 放入蒸炉以中大火蒸30分钟。熄火,待五分钟后才开盖取出蛋糕。

11 把蒸好的马来糕脱模后放在铁架上冷却。


  • 香兰汁精华是我之前搅拌剩下的香兰汁,沉底后,倒掉上面那层水,留下底层浓浓的香兰汁。添加香兰汁是为了增加蛋糕的香气。
  • 这个食谱也可以用8寸蒸笼或蒸盘。那么蒸出来的蛋糕会比较高哦!不过,蒸的时间要拉长,蒸35-40分钟。

Gula Melaka Steamed Cake/ Ma Lai Gao


3          Eggs (Grade A)

100 g   Milk

150 g   Coconut sugar

2 tsp    Pandan juice (Pandaan juice essence)* optional

150 g   Super fine flour

1 tsp     Instant yeast

1/2 tsp Baking soda

1 tsp     Baking powder

80 g     Corn oil


1. Line a 9-inch (23-cm)* bamboo steamer with non-stick parchment paper and set aside.

2. Boil milk and coconut palm sugar together over low heat until sugar melts, sieve and set aside to cool.

3. Stir in flour, baking powder, bakin soda and instant yeast until combined.

4. Lightly beaten the eggs, add in the coconut palm sugar milk and pandan juice, mix well.

5. Add corn oil and stir until combined.

6. Slowly add the egg mixture to the dry ingredients, keep stirring, until a batter forms.

7. Sieve the batter through a strainer, cover and let the batter rest at room temperature for 30 minutes or an hour.

8. Bring the water in the steamer to a boil.

9. Pour the batter into a lined bamboo steamer basket.

10. Put into the steamer and steam for 30 minutes over medium-high heat. Once done, turn off heat and leave the cake in the steamer for 5 minutes before opening the lid.

11. Unmold the steamed Ma Lai Gao and place it on a wire rack to cool.


  • The pandan juice essence is the leftover pandan juice I made. I poured off the top layer of water, leaving the bottom thick pandan juice. Adding pandan juice is to enhance the aroma of the cake.
  • This recipe can also be used in an 8-inch steamer basket or steamer pan. You will get a taller steamed cake! However, the steaming time should be extended, steaming for 35-40 minutes.

Happy Making!
