Little Tiger Steamed Buns 巧虎🐯造型包子


我把食谱翻倍,做了六个包子。 每个馒头重65g,馅20g(太少了😅)。 我还有一些剩下的彩色面团。

Initially, I wanted to make this tiger-shaped bun to worship God on the evening of Pre- CNY, but I didn't make it because I was too lazy!😅

 I doubled up the recipe, and made six buns. Each bun weight 65g , filling 20g ( too little😅). And I still have some leftover coloured dough .

Little Tiger Steamed Buns 巧虎🐯造型包子


75-90g Full Cream Milk(全脂鲜奶)

1/4tsp Instant Yeast(即溶酵母)

1TBSP Sugar(细砂糖)

150g Medium Protein Flour(中筋面粉)

1tsp Corn Oil(玉米油)

Yellow Colouring Powder ( I used pumpkin powder)

Red Colouring Powder

Charcoal Powder


🔘 Place the cold milk followed by the yeast, sugar, flour and butter in the bowl of a mixer fitted with a dough hook. (将牛奶, 然后将酵母, 糖, 面粉和玉米油放入装有勾搅拌机缸中。)

🔘 Continue to mix at medium speed for 10–12 minutes, until the dough is smooth and has a fine texture. (以中速搅拌大概12 -15分钟,直到面团光滑且质地细腻。)

🔘 Weigh and divide the dough into the required portions. Knead each portion of dough 2–3 times by rolling it on your worktop, then pressing it together. (称重并将面团分成所需的分量。 在工作台上确实的把面团的每一部分揉均匀,同样的手法按压 2-3 次,然后将其收压在一起。)

🔘 Knead the dough further by flattening it on your worktop. 

Tuck the edge into the middle, then press with your palm. Continue this tuck and press motion until a ball is formed. (确实的搓揉面团, 直到面团组织细致光滑。 将边缘往中间折,形成球状。)

🔘 Take the portion of dough to be coloured and flatten it slightly. 

Add the desired food colouring and knead until the colour is even. (取所需要的面团,加入所需要色粉,搓揉直到颜色均匀。)

🔘 Modelling steps as instructed in the video. (参考视频的整型手法。)

🔘 After completed the modelling steps, set it aside for proofing. (面团完成整型后,放置一旁发酵)

🔘 When the dough is approaching its optimum proofing time,

prepare the steamer and bring the water to a boil. (当面团接近发酵完全,把蒸锅的水烧开。)

🔘 Steam over medium heat for 9–12 minutes, or until fully cooked. (中火蒸9-12分钟火至熟。)

🔘 Remove the buns and serve immediately or place on a wire rack to cool before storing. (把造型馒头/包子拿出来放凉架,收藏或趁热食用。)

Recipe copy and paste from:  • Xue Ren •雪人

Happy Making!
