Rice Mooncake 米月饼

今年网上超火的月饼~米月饼! 免烤箱,只需要把材料混合到位用模具一按就可以了。




Rice Mooncake 米月饼


80 g glutinous rice flour糯米粉

55 g rice flour粘米粉

20 g light vegetable oil 无味植物油

160 g water 水

4 tbsp sugar 糖

1 tsp(15g)  Strawberry jam( Optional)*草莓酱


25 g for 1 pc 25克一个


1. Bake glutinous rice flour and rice flour together with the oil( put in a  bowl) in preheated oven at 150C for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool.

2. Cook the water and sugar on medium heat until boiled and sugar dissolve.  Pour in a bowl and set aside. 

3. Mix all the ingredients to form a soft dough.

4. Divide the dough for 25g each.

5. Wrap in the filling, and use a mold to press out the mooncake.

6. No need to bake or steam, just eat it. The balance of mooncakes can be store in the fridge.


  • If the dough is too dry, add in a bit of boiled water, and knead it untill you get a snooth and soft dough.
  • I added 1 tsp of strawberry jam to get the pinky colour and the fragrance of strawberry.*

Recipe reference from: jin的美食

Happy Making!

