Tricolour Steamed Tapioca Kuih. 蒸三色木薯糕

Yesterday, I steamed tapioca kuih for supper yesterday, breakfast today and teatime treat later. 😊 

I bought a very long stick of tapioca few days ago... when I decided to cut it to make kuih,  half of it was spoiled. So, no choice! I steamed a small portion of tapioca kuih. 

I didn't shred the tapioca into a fine shred, so I still can chew the shredded tapioca in the steamed kuih. The kuih was very yummy. It's slightly soft and the sweetness is just right for me. Next time, I will make it with gula Melaka and shred the tapiocca finely. So, the tapioca kuih texture will be soft and smooth.


Tricolour Steamed Tapioca Kuih.  蒸三色木薯糕

Ingredients 材料:

600g    Tapioca 木薯 ~Grated 磨碎(560g)

40g       Tapioca Flour 木薯粉 (38g)

200ml   Thick Coconut Milk 浓椰浆

Pinch of salt 少许盐


Mix well all the ingredients above and divide into 3 portions. (260gx3)


❤️Original flavour layer 原味层

(Add in 加入)

32g     caster sugar 细砂糖 (28g)

15ml   water 清水  (12ml)

❤️Pandan flavour layer 班兰层

(Add in 加入)

32g     caster sugar 细砂糖 (28g)

15ml  Pandan juice 班兰水(12ml)

❤️Brown sugar flavour layer 黑糖层

(Add in 加入)

70g     brown sugar 黑糖 (66g)

15ml  water 清水 (12ml)

Steam 12 minutes over medium heat for each layer.


Greased steam pan with non steak paper.

涂油蒸盘里放不粘纸 (6 x 8 x 3 inches)

Recipe source from: TravelFoodTech

Happy Making!
