Mixed Flour Sourdough Bread 混合面粉酸种面包( 77% Hydrations)

I made two sourdough breads today.  These sourdough breads are used soudough discard to make. I’m not entirely satisfied with the current outcome. Yet, there are still beautiful with lacy opened crumbs.😊

Actually, I was planing to give away a loaf to my neighbour, but I wasn't very pleased with the bread. So, just keep it to share with my family. 😅

The other loaf I added some chia seeds during lamination steps. 😊

Scored some roses on the loaf. 👆Can you see the 🌹?

Scored some roses on the loaf. 👆Can you see the 🌹?

Scored some leaves on the Chia Seed sourdough loaf. 👆Can you see the 🍃?

 👆Too little chia seeds... 😂 

Mixed Flour Sourdough Bread 混合面粉酸种面包( 77% Hydrations)

Dough ingredients:

480g     Bread Flour 

60g       Whole Wheat Flour

30g       Rye Flour

30g       Spelt Flour

460g     Water

120g        Active Starter 

10g        Himalayan salt 


  • Autolyse flour and water, rest 1.5- 2 hrs
  • Add starter, rest 30 mins
  • Add salt, rest 30 mins
  • Light bench fold X 1 set, rest 20 mins
  • Lamination, rest 45 mins
  • Transfer to glass bowl
  • Coil fold X 3 sets at 45 mins intervals
  • Total bulk fermentation ~ 4.5 hrs 
  • Divide the dough into 2 portions( round~588g and Oval~583g.Total weight:1171g). 
  • Pre-shape and rest 10 mins. 
  • Shape and rest 15 mins. Then retard at fridge 4C overnight (12-14hr)
  • Next day score and bake.
  • Bake in a pre-heated dutch oven at 250C @ 20 mins (lid covered), and final at 210C @ 20 mins (lid removed).

Happy Baking!
