Marbled Matcha Sourdough 大理石抹茶酸种面包

This Marbled Matcha Sourdough Bread is using sourdough discard to make. I just fed the sourdough discard with the ratio of 25:50:50 and used at peak. The bread turned out with a nice oven spring.😉

Marbled Matcha Sourdough Bread is so pretty. I added some dried Cranberries during lamination.  Unfortunately,  the oven spring was not so great and the ear didn't turn out (my scoring skil need to be improved). I think that was due to my kitchen ambient temperature was too warm during the bulk fermentation or under-working the dough (the matcha dough) which was affect the crumb structure and oven spring. 

After slicing the bread and stored in a paper bag, I just realized that I forgot to take the picture of the loaf (before cutting). Hahahha...😅

The bread smells good with Matcha flavoured and the sweetness from dried cranberry. This combinations taste like matcha and red bean.😊

Marbled Matcha Sourdough 大理石抹茶酸种面包

Dough 1 :

120g   Bread flour 

30g     Whole wheat flour 

120g   Water 

30g      Levain 

3g       Himalayan salt 

Dough 2 :

120g   Bread flour 

30g     Whole wheat flour 

130g   Water 

6g       Matcha powder

30g     Levain 

3g      Himalayan  salt 

2-3 Tbsps  Dried Canberries


  • Autolyse flour and water, rest 1hr
  • Add starter, rest 30 mins
  • Add salt, rest 30 mins
  • Strech & fold X 3 sets at 45 mins intervals 
  • Lamination~ Combine both dough and rest 45 mins
  • Transfer to glass bowl
  • Coil fold X 2 sets at 45 mins intervals 
  • Total bulk fermentation ~ 5.5 hrs 
  • Shape and retard in fridge 4C overnight (11-12hrs)
  • Next day scoring and baking
  • Bake in a pre-heated dutch oven at 250C @ 25 mins (lid covered), and final bake at 210C @ 20 mins (lid removed).


  • You may retard the dough up to 12-16 hrs.

Happy Baking!
