Mixed Flour Sourdough Loaf 混合面粉酸种面包( 77% Hydrations)

I baked sourdough bread again! 😉 As usual, the loaf is soft and with lacy opened crumbs.


👆Beautiful lacy opened crumbs. 😉

👆Ha, a big tunnel hole.... 😅

Mixed Flour Sourdough Loaf  混合面粉酸种面包( 77% Hydrations)

Dough ingredients:

230g   Bread Flour 

35g     Whole Wheat Flour

15g      Rye Flour

20g      Spelt Flour

230g   Water

60g    Starter 

5g      Himalayan salt 


  • Autolyse flour and water, rest 3hr
  • Add starter, rest 15 mins
  • Add salt, rest 15 mins
  • Bench fold X 1 set and rest 20 mins 
  • Lamination. Transfer to glass bowl and rest 45- 60 mins.
  • Coil fold X 3 sets at 45 mins intervals 
  • Total bulk fermentation ~ 4+ hrs 
  • Shape and retard at fridge 4C overnight (12-14hr)
  • Next day score and bake
  • Bake in a pre-heated dutch oven at 250C @ 25 mins (lid covered), and final bake at 210C @ 20 mins (lid removed).

Notes for get a good oven spring:

  • Starter is  healthy and active.
  • Make sure you develope the gluten. If the dough feels very wet, you may need to repeat the stretch and fold process more times to create enough strength in the dough.
  • Don't over proofing in the bulk ferment stage. 
  • Shape the dough to get a really taut surface.

Happy Baking!
