Sourdough Banh Mi, Vietnamese Baguettes 🥖越南法式长棍面包🥖

When I saw a  FB group member ( Bick Nguyen) in  Sourdough Support Group Malaysia(SSGM) posted this Vietnamese baguettes, those beautiful baguettes attracted me want to make them too! Well, the baguettes turned out beautifully from my oven. I still can hear the cracking sound from the baguettes while there were cooling on the rack. So satisfying by hearing that sound!

I used three combination of flour because I want to use up the leftover French Tower bread flour and mix with Prima bread flour and All purpose flour. I forgot to add in lemon juice since I was busy baking two other breads. No wonder, I have to add in more water about 15g.  To make a baguette shape, I roll out the dough using a rolling pin( Rectangle), then roll it up from top to bottom.  

My bread took about 3.5 hours to rise. I didn't heat my oven to 450°F. I baked at 400°F/200°C. My oven is very hot due to baking two other bread loafs before baking the bguettes. I baked the baguettes about 15-16 mins through out the baking. Half way of baking, I turn the tray and spray water, then continue to bake until the bread are golden brown and remove from oven right away.

This bread has an delightful texture that is very crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. With simple ingredients, you can enjoy bread at home that is as delicious as the bakery one.

当我看到马来西亚 Sourdough Support Group (SSGM) 的 FB 小组成员(Bick Nguyen)发布了这个越南法棍面包时,那些漂亮的越南法棍面包也吸引我也想来制作它们!好吧,从烤箱里出来的越南法棍面包很漂亮。在架子上冷却时,我仍然可以听到越南法棍面包的清脆破裂声。好疗愈哟!

我用了三种面粉组合,因为我想用完剩下的French Tower 面包粉,然后和Prima面包粉和All purpose 面粉混合。因为忙着烤另外两个面包,所以忘记加柠檬汁了。难怪,我要多加15g左右的水。为了做成长棍面包的形状,我用擀面杖把面团擀开(长方形),然后从上往下卷起来。

我的面包大约 3.5 小时发酵我没有将烤箱加热到 450°F。我在 400°F/200°C 下烘烤。由于在烤面包之前烤了另外两个面包,我的烤箱非常热。我用烘烤的时间大约 15-16 分钟。法式长棍面包烤到一半,我转动托盘喷水,然后,继续烤至面包呈金黄色后并立即从烤箱中取出待凉。



Sourdough Banh Mi, Vietnamese Baguettes 🥖



400g  Bread Flour

100g  All Purpose Flour

200g  Active Starter

210g  Water

17g    Sugar

10g    Salt

10g    Butter

10g    Lemon Juice 


  1. Mix everything in mixer and knead on low speed until a dough is formed.
  2. Increase to medium speed and knead until a smooth dough is formed. It takes about 10-12 mins.
  3. Rest for 10-15 mins.
  4. Weight and divide evenly into 8 portions. (119g+- each, Total weight 950g).
  5. Round it and cover, rest for 10-15 mins.
  6. Roll into elongated triangular on a lightly butter counter and shape into baguette.
  7. Place on lightly oil baguette pan, cover and let it rise until double ( 4-5 hrs depend on how strong your starter is ).
  8. Preheat oven to 250C.
  9. Spray water on the dough, score and spray water again on the dough before loading into the oven.
  10. Once loaded, splash one cup of water to the bottom of the oven or onto a preheated pan.
  11. Bake for 2 mins then spray water into the oven again.
  12. Continue baking for 11 more mins then rotate tray.
  13. Spray water on dough again and bake for another 7-10 mins at 200C or until golden brown.
  14. Can leave in the oven for another 5 mins after oven turns off.


  • Please adjust water according to the flour you use.

Recipe source from : Bick Nguyen(SSGM)

Happy Baking!
