Scallion Soda Biscuits (Sugarless) 香葱苏打饼干(无糖)

Scallion Soda biscuits, made with sourdough discard. When baking, you can smell the fragrance of green onions coming from the oven. . . It smells so good! 


Scallion Soda Biscuits (Sugarless)


180g   cake flour 

150g   sourdough discard 

1 (55g)  egg 

50g   unsalted butter (melted)

15-20g  spring onion (chopped)

2g   salt 

10ml   olive oil 

* Mix chopped spring onion and salt, mix well.


  1. In a bowl, combine sourdough starter with flour, melted butter and egg. Mix well to combine, kneading until the dough comes together in a smooth ball. Don't over kneading the dough.
  2. Add in spring onion and mix well to combine. 
  3. Lastly, add in olive oil and mix well to combine.
  4. Roll out the dough about 0.5cm thick, use a cookie cutter and cut out the shape.
  5. Place the cut out dough on the baking sheet.
  6. Prick the cookie dough with a fork.
  7. Bake in preheated oven at 180°C for 18 - 20 minutes.
  8. Cooled the cookies before storing in the container.



低筋面粉   180克

天然酵母   150g


无盐黄油   50克(融化)

泡打粉    2克

葱   15-20克(切粒)

盐    2克

橄榄油   10 ml 

* 将葱花和盐混合,搅拌均匀。


  1. 在碗中,将天然酵母与面粉,融化的黄油和鸡蛋混合。揉捏直到面团变成光滑的面团,不要过度揉面团。
  2. 加入葱花,混合均匀。
  3. 最后加入橄榄油混合均匀即可。
  4. 将面团擀开约0.5cm厚,用模型切出形状。
  5. 将切好的面团放在烤盘上。
  6. 用叉子在饼干面团上扎孔。
  7. 放入预热好的烤箱,以 180°C 烘烤 18 - 20 分钟。
  8. 冷却饼干后,才储存在容器中。

Happy Baking!   
