Marble Swiss Roll 大理石瑞士卷

My kids like to eat swiss roll cake, so I make again... 😉 This time I make some swirl to the cake to make a marble pattern... 😍

Marble Swiss Roll  大理石瑞士卷


4pcs    Egg yolk  蛋黄

70g      Cake flour  低筋面粉

60ml    Milk  牛奶

50ml    Vegetable oil  植物油

10g      Cocoa powder 可可粉

20ml    Hot water  热水 

4pcs     Egg white 蛋白

70g       Caster sugar  细砂糖

A  few drops of lemon juice/ Vinegar 柠檬汁/醋


60g  Butter 黄油

35g  Icing sugar 糖粉( a bit sweet, I'll reduce it to 15g next time)

1 tsp  Condensed milk 炼乳

Method  :

1. Whisk egg yolks and sugar till fluffy.

2. Add in milk and mix well.

3. Add in oil and beat well.

4. Fold in sifted flour in 2 batches.

5.  Dissolve the cocoa powder with hot water.

6. Place  1/3 portion of egg yolk mixture into the cocoa mixture and mix well.

7.  Preheat the oven at 150℃. Then,  beat the egg white , mix in few drops of lemon juice and beat. Add in sugar in three batches and beat till soft peaks formed .

8. Take out 1/3 portion of meringue and mix into the cocoa mixture. 

9. Take out 1/3 of meringue into egg mixture and mix well, then, blend well with the balance meringue with a spatula.

10. Pour the egg batter onto tray.  Then, pour the cocoa batter onto the egg batter. Use a knife or chopstick to swirl the cake mixture.

11. Baked in the preheated oven @ 150℃ for 25 minutes.

12. Once baked, remove it from tray and cool on rack. After 10 minutes, turn the cake upside down by covering a piece of baking paper. Remove the baking mat. Cover another piece of baking paper, turn the cake, and wait until the cake is cool completely.

13. Start whipping butter cream. Add icing sugar into butter and beat till creamy. Add in one teaspoon of condensed milk and mix well.

14. Remove the baking paper. Spread a thin layer of cream on the surface, roll it up. Store the cake roll in the fridge for one hour.

Happy Baking! 
