Sourdough Loaf 烫面吐司~Tangzhong Method

Soft and fluffy bread and still slightly chewy. It’s also really easy to make at home. Get the step by step recipe to make this flavorful sandwich bread right here.

柔软蓬松又有嚼劲的面包,在家中也很容易制作。 跟着食谱做,即可制作出美味的三明治面包啦。

Sourdough Loaf 烫面吐司~Tangzhong Method



50g starter + 50g flour + 50g water

Tangzhong/water roux 汤种

20g  Bread Flour 高筋面粉 

100g  Water 水 

Bread Dough主面团

260g  Bread flour 高筋面粉 

20g  Sugar 细砂糖 

20g  Milk Powder 奶粉 

65-70g  Water 水

150g Levain

One quantity of above Tangzhong 

1g  Instant Dry Yeast 酵母 (Optional)

3g  Salt盐 

1 Egg 鸡蛋

30g  Butter黄油


1. Built the levain and use at peak.

2. Make the TangZhong:  Mix the flour and water then cook over low medium low heat till form a paste and remove from heat, set aside and cool down.

3. Mix in all ingredients (except butter) and knead till all dried ingredients are incorporated. Rest the dough for 10 minutes. 

4. Continue to knead till you get a dough, about 4-5 minutes. Add in butter, and continue to knead till you achieve a smooth dough.

5.Turn the dough out onto a lightly flour surface, round it and put it back in the bowl and  cover the bowl with a plastic wrap. Let it rise for 2- 3 hrs in a warm place or til double in size.

6. Divide dough by 2, 3 or 4 portions (as your desire). Shape each piece into a ball and rest for 15 minutes.

7. Take a ball, flatten into a rectangle , roll the rectangle up, and place it seam side down onto a greased bread pan dish. Do this with the rest of the dough balls.

8. Cover the bowl with a plastic wrap. Let it rise for second proofing 1-1.5 hr in a warm place. 

9. Preheat oven at 180°C. Bake for 35 -40 minutes or until golden. 

10. Cool on a rack. 


For kneading, please regard the timing provided as an indication only. It is only meant as a guide.  Timing may differ depending on the brand of flour and electric mixer used. 


1.制作 levain,并在高峰期使用。





6.将面团分割 3-4 等份 (随您的喜欢)。将每滚圆,静置15分钟。



9.将烤箱预热至180°C。烘烤35 -40分钟或直到表面金黄。




Happy Baking!
