Honeycomb Cookies/Kuih Loyang/蜂窝饼

This Honeycomb Cookies recipe is very crunchy and delicious. One of the must-have cookies in Chinese New Year.


Honeycomb Cookies/Kuih Loyang/蜂窝饼


100g glutinous rice flour 糯米粉

100g rice flour  粘米粉

100g Corn flour 玉米粉

5 Eggs(A) 鸡蛋(A)

130g Caster Sugar 细砂糖

250ml Coconut Milk 椰浆(如果不要椰浆 ,就200ml清水代替)

A pinch of salt 少许盐

Proper Amount of White Sesame 适量白芝麻(如果喜歡芝麻,可以加入)

Proper Amount of Cooking Oil 适量食用油


1. Lightly beat 5 eggs, add 130g of sugar and mix till sugar disolve. Add in 250ml coconut milk and a pinch of salt (also can replace with 200ml water if don't like coconut milk), mix well.

2. Add 100g of glutinous rice flour, 100g of rice flour and 100g of corn flour and mix well.

3. After stirring evenly, filter the batter 1-2 times, after filtering, set aside for 20 - 30 minutes or 1 hour.

4. Put the honeycomb cookies mold into the oil pan, the amount of oil must cover the mold (the oil temperature will be stable if there is enough oil), and heat it over a medium heat.

5. Put the chopsticks in and see the bubbles pop up, you can start frying the cookies.

6. Take out the hot mold, shake it gently, spill the excess oil on the hot mold, and dip a kitchen paper towel to absorb the excess oil.

7. When dipping the batter, the batter must not cover the mold, otherwise it will not be demolded.

8. Put the battered mold into the pan without touching the bottom of the pan. After frying for 10-15 seconds, pick up the mold and shake it in the oil to release the honeycomb cookies.

9. When the surface color is slightly golden, turn it over and fry it again. When it is golden, pick it up and place it in a large dish covered with oil-absorbing paper.

10. After cooling, put it in an airtight jar.


  • Remember to soak the molds in oil for overnight before using them to make cookies.













  • 切记将模具先在油中浸泡过夜,然后再使用它们制作饼干。

Recipe references from: 傻大姐美食厨房 Shadajie kitchen

Happy Making!
