Hokkaido Chocolate Cupcake

 Since I still have some leftover whipped cream, so I decided to make this yummy, light and pretty cupcake. Fluffy, light & moist cupcakes with fresh whipped cream-it's hard to only have one.😋😉

Hokkaido Chocolate Cupcake

Ingredients材料:Yield 18 pcs +/-

(A) Chocolate cake巧克力蛋糕体

Cocoa powder巧克力粉 20g         

Hot water 热水  30g              

Eggs yolk 蛋黄 4个                

Oil 植物油 40g           

Water 清水 20g            

Cake flour 低筋面粉 50g     

Eggs white 蛋白 4个                

Sugar 细砂糖 60g          

(B)Chocolate cream巧克力奶油  

Chocolate beans巧克力豆 50g     

Milk牛奶 30ml          

Whipping cream淡奶油 150ml     

Sugar 细砂糖 10g      


1. Separate egg yolks from egg whites. 

2. Mix cocoa powder and hot water, set aside.

3. Slightly beaten the yolks. Add in oil and water and mix well.

4. Sift in cake flour and  mix well. Add in chocolate paste and blend together with a whisk. 

5. In a separate bowl, whip egg whites while adding sugar in two batches until soft peaks form. 

6. Drop in a little bit of beaten egg white into yolk mixture and mix well. Pour the yolk mixture into beaten egg whites and mix until combined with a spatula.

4. Divide the batter among the muffin cups. Bake at 150C for 25-30 minutes. 

5. While the cupcakes are cooling, melt the chocolte beans with milk and set aside. Whip together whipping cream and sugar. Combine both. Pipe the cream when cupcakes are completely cooled. 

Happy Baking!

