Sourdough Batard (78% Hydrations)

Baked Sourdough bread again! 😉

Today, I tried different method to make this bread. Normally, cold retard after shaping... but, this time I did the reverse method.  Cold retard first, and then did the shaping the next day. 

This bread turned out very nice with crusty skin and soft bread crumb.

 Prepared this ☝ sourdough bread topped with cheese, pepperoni with green chili salsa and Smoked chicken slices with lettuce.

Sourdough Batard (78% Hydrations)


260g  Bread Flour  

40g  Whole Wheat Flour

235g  Water

10g   Salt 

60g   Sourdough Starter (Levain)  


  • Mix all flour, water, levain & salt -Autolyse 1 & 1/2 hours
  • 2 x Stretch and Fold - 20 mins interval 
  • 1 x  lamination - rest 1 hour 
  • 2 Coil Fold - 30 mins interval - rest 1 hour
  • Cold Retard - 14  hours
  • (Next day)Room temperature -1 hour 
  • Bench fold - rest 5 mins
  • Shapping -  rest 1 hour
  • After 1 hour, keep in fridge for 30 mins before baking
  • Preheat the oven and a pan at 250℃ for 35 mins.
  • Pour hot water into roasting pan. Spray lots of water onto the dough. Score and bake at 250℃ for 20 mins.
  • Remove roasting pan and decreast to 200℃  bake for 20 min.
  • Leave in the oven for 15 mins before taking it out.

Happy Baking!
