Purple Sweet Potato Cake紫薯蛋糕

It has been a long time that I didn't bake purple sweet potato cake... this time I used the puree as cream for the cake and the pastel purple colour of whipped cream to decorate the cake... it's so beautiful. Furthermore, the cream is not too sweet and very refreshing with a tint of purple sweet potato in whipped cream.😘

* When I make the cake batter, I forgot to mix the melted butter, "alamak"! I quickly take out the cake from oven which it was baked in the oven for few minutes already... I added in the melted butter and have  a quick stir in pan and some of the batter flowed out form the cake pan bottom... "alamak"! So,  my cake is short lor!!😅

Purple Sweet Potato Cake紫薯蛋糕 

Ingredients:(6” baking tin圆形烤模)

30g Butter黄油

50g Milk牛奶

90g Cake fllour 低筋面粉

3  Egg yolks 蛋黄

3  Egg whites 蛋白

75g Caster sugar细砂糖

Purple Sweet Potato Puree 紫薯泥:

280g    Purple Sweet Potato puree紫薯泥

40g      Condensed milk炼乳

30g      Whipping cream淡奶油

Whipping cream淡奶油:

280g Non-dairy whipping cream 植物性鲜奶油

5g Purple sweet potato powder 紫薯粉


1. Heat up butter & milk on low heat till butter has melted and set aside. 

2. Whisk egg whites till foamy. Slowly add in sugar and continue beating until peak. 

3. Add in egg yolks and whisk till well combined.

4. Fold in flour and mix till well combined.

5. Add in melted butter mixture and mix well.

7. Pour batter into  6" pan(15cm).

8. Preheated oven to 160℃ and bake the cake for 40 minutes.

8. Tap the cake pan on the table to remove the air bubbles in the cake and invert the cake to cool down immediately.

For the purple sweet potato puree:

  • Mashed the steamed purple sweet potato into puree. Mix in condensed milk and whipping cream, set aside.

For the whipping cream:

  • Beat the whipping cream and purple sweet potato powder until stiff peak formed. Put in a piping bag with nozzle on.
To assemble the cake:

  • Cut the cake into 2 or 3 layers.
  • Take a slice of cake as base, spread some puree on top and squeeze the whipping cream around the puree. Continue to do the steps until finish the cakes.
  • Decorate the cake as desired.

Happy Baking!
