Sourdough Coconut buns椰丝面包

 Craved for buns with filling. 😘

Sourdough Coconut buns椰丝面包


Bread dough:

200g bread flour面包粉

50g all purpose flour 中筋面粉

10g powdered milk奶粉

20g sugar糖

5g salt盐

140g  sourdough starter 酸酵母(Levain)

55~60g 1 egg蛋

110g milk 牛奶

25g butter黄油

Coconut filling椰丝内馅:

Water清水 130ml

Gula melaka椰糖 70g

Caster sugar细白糖 80g(甜度依个人喜好要放多少 )

Pandan leaves班兰叶3片

Grated coconut白椰丝 300g

Salt盐 1/2 tsp

Coconut Filling making:

1. Dissolve gula melaka, sugar and  pandan leaf in water and boil under medium heat. Let the ingredients boil for a while in order for the fragrance of the pandan leaf to infuse into the sauce. Stir regularly.

2. Stir in the grated coconut and salt, mix well.

3. Stirring regularly till the coconut mixture becomes slightly drier.

4. Remove the pandan leaf and transfer the sweetened coconut to a bowl to cool down. Set aside.






Bread making:

  • Mix all ingredients  (except butter) and mix well.
  • When dough is made, add butter and mix until the dough is smooth.
  • Divide into 10 equal portion dough and rest for 10~15mins.
  • Flatten the dough then add in Coconut filling.
  • Put some water on the edges, fold in half and seal it.
  • Covered dough and proofing for about 4 hours to rise.
  • Brush some milk on bread before sending them into oven.
  • Bake in preheated oven at 190°C for 12 -15 mins.
  • Cool on cooling rack before storing them.


  • 将所有成分混合(黄油除外)并搅拌成团。
  • 形成面团时,加入黄油并搅拌直至面团光滑。
  • 分成10个面团,静置10〜15分钟。
  • 压平面团,然后加入椰丝馅。
  • 把包了馅的面团放入烤盘。
  • 盖好面团,最后醒发大约4个小时,直到面团变大一倍。。
  • 在将面包送入烤箱之前,在面包上刷一些牛奶。
  • 在190°C的预热烤箱中烘烤12 -15分钟。

Happy Baking!
