Red Yeast Sourdough Bread

Another experiment recipe~  Red Yeast Sourdough Bread. After baked, the colour of red yeast powder wasn't prominent! Perhaps I should used only the bread flour?😅

👆 Not getting the oven spring that I want ...😕

👆The crumb is soft but not an open crumb with big holes structure... 

Red Yeast Sourdough Bread~ Reverse method

Total flour 300g

180g Japanese bread flour

60g All purpose flour

30g wholemeal flour

30g Buck wheat flour

15g Red Yeast powder

60g starter

220g water

6g salt

Pinch of black sesame 

Some crushed Walnuts


  • Mix all ingredients and knead for 5 mins
  • 7 hours cold retard
  • 1 x Strech & fold, rest 30 mins
  • 1 x lamination, rest 30 mins( add in crushed walnuts & sesame seeds)
  • 1 x light bench fold, rest 30 mins
  • 3 x coil folds, 30 minutes interval
  • Shaping
  • 2 hrs bulk fermentation
  • 1/2 hr cold fermentation in the fridge before scoring.
  • 250C open bake with steam 15 mins
  • 210C without steam for 25 mins

Happy Baking!
