Turkish bread/ Soft & Fluffy Milk Bread土耳其面包/柔软蓬松的牛奶面包

Today I made Turkish  bread. This bread is light and fluffy but I find it a bit dry. I think because of using high heat to bake. Or may be I bake it a bit too long?  While baking it I was busy cooking... perhaps, I left it too long in the oven and caused the moisture was lost! Sigh!😓

My kids don't like to eat bread without fillings, so I used this dough and made red bean bun and chili tuna buns.😅

今天我做了土耳其面包,这面包又轻又蓬松,但我觉得有点干。我想是因为要用高温烘烤。还是我烤的时间太长了?烘烤时,我正忙于烹饪… 也许,我把面包放在烤箱中太长时间,导致受热过度,所以水分流失,面包因此而有点干,唉!


Turkish  bread/ Soft & Fluffy Milk Bread


500g flour 面粉
300 milk 牛奶
59g water 水
32 g olive oil or Melted butter橄榄油或融化黄油
25g sugar糖
8g yeast酵母

1. Mix all ingredients in a mixer and knead well.
2. Form the dough to a ball and put it back in the mixer bowl, covered and carry out the first fermentation( double in size), about 60 mins.
3. After fermentation, divide into10 equal portions (about 60g each) and 8 equal portions(about 50g each) , shape into a round ball, cover with cling wrap and rest for 5 minutes.
4. Press the dough to release air burble, fill in filling or without.. then make the final shape and cover with cling wrap and rest for 5 minutes. 
5. Flatten the dough again, rest for 30 minutes.
6. Apply egg wash and let rise for another 30 minutes.
7. Make shapes and sprinkle some white/black sesame seeds.
8. Bake in the preheated oven at 230. Put in lower rack and bake for 5 mins, then put it on top rack untill is golden brown.

Tips: Flatern the bread nicely and reshape the patterns on the bread too before sending it to the oven, it's becauce the breads will puff up a lot while baking in the oven.



Recipe source from: Yemircan يمنية في المهجر

Happy Baking!
