我蛮喜欢这种有嚼劲,天然独特浓郁酸味与麦香的酸面包。制作酸面包,与我们平常做面包不同。酸面包用的是天然酵种(sourdough starter),讲究的是缓慢发酵(slow fermentation)。酸面包的制作过程虽耗时,但它之所以有趣,之所以会沉迷,也是因为它的过程,让人期待烤好后的成果。😉
Gosh... I'm obsessed in baking "sour bread" !😅
I quite like this kind of sourdough bread that is chewy and rich in sourness flavor. Making sourdough bread is different from what we usually bread making. Sourdough starter is used for sourdough bread, which emphasizes slow fermentation. Although the process of making sourdough bread is time-consuming, the reason why it is interesting and obsessed is also because the process makes people look forward to the results after baked.
I am not trying to pass myself off as any sort of expert on sourdough but I am able to knock up a loaf from time to time with relative success. ✌
This dough doesn’t require any kneading. No slapping and folding. No stretching and folding. No window pane test. Just mix it. Ferement it. Shape it. Prove it and Bake it! That’s it!😘
Sourdough Bread天然酵母面包
▶Sourdough Starter (Levain):酸种
100g Sourdough Starter
100g Bread Flour
100g Water
▶Sourdough sandwich bread:
375g Bread Flour
247g Water
128g Sourdough Starter
12g Salt
- Mix water, starter and salt.
- Add in flour and knead till you get a shaggy mass.
- 1h autolyze.
- Fold the dough into a loaf. ( *without adding flour)
- Bulk Ferment~Leave covered for about 4h-5h.
- Cold Retard in fridge~ Leave covered for about 12h.
- Leave in room temperature for about 20 mins.
- Shape the dough(Fold it gently without adding flour) Rest for 5 mins.
- Final shaping~Shape and place on baking paper, then transfer to basket/or proofing container.
- Proof for 2h-3h.
- Score and bake (*Without Dutch Oven).
- 240 C - 20 min (with a bowl of water and some ice cubes).
- 220 C - 20 min ( remove the bowl of water).
- 混合水,天然酵母和盐。
- 加入面粉大概揉成团。
- 1小时醒面。(水合法)
- 将面团折叠成一条面包形状(*不添加面粉)。
- 深度发酵〜盖上盖子放置一旁约4h-5h。
- 在冰箱中发酵〜盖上盖子发酵约12小时。
- 在室温下放置约20分钟。
- 面团朔形(将其轻轻折叠而同时不添加面粉)静置5分钟。
- 最终成型〜整形并放置在烘培纸上,然后转移去篮中/或容器中。
- 发酵2小时。
- 割纹路并烘烤(没有荷兰烤箱法)。
- 250 C-20分钟(放一碗水和一些冰块)。
- 220 C-20分钟(取出碗水继续烤)。
Recipe reference from: Culinary Exploration
Happy Baking!
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