Easy No Kneed Homemade Sourdough Bread简单的免揉自制天然酵母面包(66% hydration)

An outstanding basic no knead sourdough bread recipe that produces amazing results consistently. This is a “bare bones” recipe to help new bakers understand the process and get to grips with their first loaf without worrying about too much technique. 😊


☝Crusty outside and moist inside.

               Ingredient                     Metric                  Baker's Percentage
               Bread Flour               375 grams                       100.00%
           Sourdough starter         128 grams                          34.13%
               Water                        247 grams                         65.86%
                Salt                            12 grams                       3.2%

A Basic No Knead Sourdough ( No bench fold or coil fold) 

Sourdough Starter (Levain):酸种
100g Sourdough Starter  
100g Bread Flour 
100g  Water 
~Activate Sourdough starter. Mix all ingredients and ferment for 4-6 hrs.Use at peak.

Ingredients for Bread:
128g Active starter (100% hydration)
247g Water
375g Flour 
12g Sea salt

  • Mix water, starter and salt.
  • Add in flour and knead till you get a shaggy mass.
  • 1hour autolyze.
  • Fold the dough into a loaf. ( *without adding any flour)
  • Bulk Ferment~Leave covered for about 4h-5h.
  • Shape the dough(Fold it gently without adding flour) Rest for 5 mins.
  • Final shaping~Shape and place in the proofing basket.
  • Proof for 2 hours or Cold Retard in fridge for about 12 hours.
  • Score and bake (*Without Dutch Oven).
  • 250 C - 20 min (with a bowl of water and some ice cubes).
  • 220 C - 20 min ( remove the bowl of water).

  • You can also refrigerate the dough while it is in the proofing basket and hold it overnight. Just remember that you will need to flour your basket very well as the dough may have more of a tendency to stick.
  • You can bake your dough directly form the fridge with excellent results. There is no need to let it come back to room temperature. 
  • Please note that dependant on the flour you use the “stickiness” may vary.
  • My starter is fed at a ratio of 1:1:1 (Starter / water / flour) and therefore remains at 100% hydration making future recipe calculation easy. 



  • 混合水,天然酵母和盐。
  • 加入面粉大概揉成团。
  • 1小时醒面。(水合法)
  • 将面团折叠成一条面包形状(*不添加面粉)。 
  • 深度发酵〜盖上盖子放置一旁约4h-5h。
  • 面团朔形(将其轻轻折叠而同时不添加面粉)静置5分钟。
  • 最终成型〜整形并放置在篮中。
  • 发酵2小时。或在冰箱中发酵约12小时。
  • 割纹路并烘烤(没有荷兰烤箱法)。
  • 250 C-20分钟(放一碗水和一些冰块)。 
  • 220 C-20分钟(取出碗水继续烤)。
  • 您也可以在面团在醒发篮中时冷藏过夜。只是要记住,您需要将面粉篮弄好,因为面团可能更容易粘住。
  • 您可以直接从冰箱取出直接烘烤面团,效果极佳。无需使其恢复到室温。
  • 请注意,根据使用的面粉,“粘性”可能会有所不同。
  • 我的天然发酵剂以1:1:1(发酵剂/水/面粉)的比例进行,保持100%的水合作用,那么以后的配方计算比较容易。

Recipe reference from: Culinary Exploration

Happy Baking!
