Banana Cake香蕉蛋糕

There are some bananas on the table, so I used a few bananas to make this banana cake.😉

Banana Cake 香蕉蛋糕🍌

Egg 鸡蛋         3pcs
Sugar 砂糖       75g
Cake Flour 低筋面粉150g
Butter 牛油      90g(融化)
Banana 香蕉     150g
Salt少许盐  a pinch 


1. Preheat oven to 180 ºC and prepared a pan, greased and lined.
2. Cream eggs and sugar till light and fluffy. 
3. Drizzle in mashed bananas and melted butter, beating thoroughly.
4. Sieve in the flour and salt to the creamed mixture in above step and mix it well.
5. Pour the batter into baking pan.
6. Bake for about 30 minutes or test batter done with a toothpick or fork. 

1. 将烤箱预热至180ºC,并准备一个9寸方形烤盘,抹上油并附上烘培纸。
2. 用搅拌器把鸡蛋和细糖用慢速拌打均匀,再用中速拌打至松发。
3. 加入香蕉泥和融化黄油,继续拌打成光滑的奶油状。
4. 加入过筛面粉和盐,搅拌拌匀。
5. 把面糊倒进烤盘。
6. 放入预热180ºC的烤箱, 烤大概30-40分钟。

Happy Baking!
