Sweet Potato Glutinous Rice Balls/ Ondeh-Ondeh橙薯糯米球

Today's dessert is one of my favourite Nyonya kuih~~ Ondeh-Ondeh. Since I have some orange sweet potato, so I steamed some of it to make this delicious dessert.😘

Sweet Potato Glutinous Rice Balls/ Ondeh-Ondeh橙薯糯米球

200g Orange sweet potato橙地瓜
100g Glutinous rice flour糯米粉
1 Tbp Corn flour 薯粉
50g Hot water热水
50g Gula Melaka/Palm sugar( chopped)椰糖(切碎)
Shredded coconut , for coating(   1/4 tsp salt and slightly steam )椰丝,用于裹层(  +1/4茶匙盐和稍微蒸一下)

Method :
1. Peeled, cut into small pieces and steam the sweet potato over medium-high heat in a wok, until it's softened. If it’s easily poked through with a chopstick or skewer, it’s cooked through.  Place in a large bowl and smash it into a fine puree. Let it cool until warm.

2. Mix in the glutinous rice flour and corn flour, slowly pour in hot water and knead into a dough. If it’s too dry, add water bit by bit. If it’s too wet, add a bit of glutinous rice flour.

3. Cut the dough into 12g equal portions(Abt 28-30pcs). Wrap a small cube of palm sugar with each dough portion. Knead into a small ball. Repeat this step with the remaining dough.

4.Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Carefully place the balls into the pot. (Note: If your pot is not big enough, cook in two batches.) Immediately stir the water, make sure each ball doesn’t stick to the bottom. Cook over medium-high heat, until the balls float onto the surface of water. Reduce heat and simmer for another 5 to 10 minutes. Drain out the balls and put in a pot of ice cold water. Drain out the balls onto a plate of desiccated coconut. 

5.Roll each ball with desiccated coconut and coat evenly. Enjoy!

1.As every sweet potato contains different amount of water, add some water if the dough is too dry, or vice versa, add some flour if it’s too wet. No matter whether you add water or flour, it has to be added by a small amount at a time.
2.The leftover glutinous rice balls can be kept in an air-tight container in fridge for up to a few days. When needed, remove from the fridge and place in room temperature for about an hour, the balls would return soft.
3.To shorten the cooking time of sweet potato: Peel and cut the sweet potato into small cubes before steaming. Smash the flesh with a large spoon, a potato masher or potato ricer.

方法 :



4.将一大锅水烧开。将糯米球小心地放入锅中。 (注意:如果锅不够大,请分两批烹饪。)立即搅拌水,确保每个球都不会粘在底部。用中高温煮,直到小球浮在水面上。转小火,再煮5至10分钟。捞起放入装有冰水的盘里。 再捞起沥干放到一盘干椰丝上。



Recipe slight modified from:Christine’s Recipes

Happy Making!
