Nestum Cereal Cookies麦片曲奇

I baked this cookie to use all my Nestum cereal... These Nestum Cereal Cookies are easy to make and super crunchy. They are very light and crispy, just nice and not very sweet, but with very aromatic Nestum flavour and with a hint of desiccated coconut flavour. I like it!!😘

I made only half of the recipe becauce my leftover Nestum Cereal left  120g and I used desiccated coconut to coat the cookies.  😅

Nestum Cereal Cookies麦片曲奇

200 g plain flour普通面粉
50 g cornstarch 玉米淀粉
140 g icing sugar糖粉
1/4 tsp fine salt细盐
250 g cold butter (salted, diced)冷牛油 (有盐,切丁)
250 g Nestum cereal麦片
2 eggs (grade A/size: L)蛋 (A级)

For coating用于裹外层:
35 g Nestum cereal 麦片
~ I used desiccated coconut

1. Combine and sift together plain flour, cornstarch and icing sugar. Add in salt, mix well. Add in cold butter, rub butter into flour mixture. (Reminder: Cookies made with cold butter are less oily.)

2. Add in 250 g of Nestum cereal, mix well. Beat eggs lightly, add to dough, mix until combined.

3. Preheat oven to 160°C/320°F.

4. Take out 1/2 tbsp of dough, press until firm, shape gently into a ball. Coat the outer layer with Nestum cereal, then flatten lightly with palm.

5. Arrange cookies dough on a lined baking tray. (Reminder: Divide cookies into 3-4 batches, bake 1 batch at a time.)

6. Bake in the preheated oven at 160°C/320°F for 28-30 minutes. When baking is done, allow cookies to cool in the oven for 10 minutes before taking out so that they are dried out completely. Set aside to cool completely after removing from oven.

7. Transfer to containers for storage when completely cooled.


1. 把普通面粉、玉米淀粉和糖粉混合过筛。加入细盐拌匀。加入冷牛油,把牛油搓入粉类当中。 (温馨提示:用冷牛油来做的饼比较不会油腻。)

2. 加入250克Nestum麦片,拌至混合。把蛋轻轻打散,加入面团里,拌至混合。

3. 把烤炉预热至160°C/320°F。

4. 取出半汤匙(1/2 tbsp)的面团,压至紧实,轻轻搓圆。把外层裹上Nestum 麦片,然后用掌心轻轻按扁。

5. 把饼干面团放在已铺上不沾烤盘纸的烤盘上。(温馨提示:把饼干分成3-4批,一次烘烤一批。)

6. 放入已预热的烤炉,以160°C/320°F烘烤28-30分钟。烘烤完毕后,让饼干在烤炉里冷却10分钟后才取出以让饼干的水分完全蒸发。出炉后,搁置至完全冷却。

7. 完全冷却后,把饼干放入容器收藏。

Recipe source from: mykitchen101en

Happy Baking!
