Fish Head Soup

Today cook Fish Head Soup for dinner.🐟🥣

Fish Head Soup


Fsh head, chopped into bite-sized pieces
Marinated with some salt, pepper and tapioca flour.
Oil for deep-frying

Soup base:
Yam, cut into finger thick slices and deep-fried until golden
Ginger Slices 
Tomato cut into wedges
2 Sour plum
Salted cabbage green stems (harm choy), shredded and soaked for 10-15 minutes
Tofu cut in big cubes

Vegetable stock powder
Fish sauce
Sesame oil
Some chopped spring onion or coriander for garnishing

1. Add fish head pieces and toss until well coated with tapioca mixture. Deep-fry in hot oil until golden brown.

2. Boil water in a pot. Add all soup base ingredients except tofu. Bring to the boil, add seasoning, then simmer for 10 minutes.

3. Add pre-fried fish and tofu cubes. Boil for 8-10 minutes. Dish out into a clay pots and serve with garnishing.

Happy Cooking!
