Chai Kuih/ Steamed Jicama Dumplings 水晶沙葛菜粿/沙葛粉粿

There is 3/4 of jicama/sengkuang still left in the fridge, so I decided to use it to make steam dumplings for dinner. These dumplings took a lot of preparations to make, but it was worth for the effort!  I'm glad my family enjoyed the dumplings. Yeah, they like dumplings as much as I do.😘


Chai Kuih/ Steamed Jicama Dumplings 水晶沙葛菜粿

Ingredients for skin dough水晶外皮材料: 
Wheat starch  120g克 澄面粉 (或称小麦淀粉,)
Tapioca starch  80g 木薯粉 (或称木薯淀粉, 树薯粉 )
Salt ½tsp  盐
Boiling water 250g 滚水
Cooking oil  30g 油
(Yields: 460g, divide into 18 portions, each 25g)
(粉团分量: 460克粉团,分成18份,每个约25克。)

Ingredients for fillings 内馅材料:
Jicama/sengkuang (julienned)  225g 沙葛 (切细丝)  
Carrot (julienned)  75g 红萝卜 (切细丝) 
Dried shrimp (chopped) 25g 虾米 (剁碎)  
Cooking oil  3Tbsp  油 
Sugar1  ½ tsp  糖   
Salt  ½ tsp 盐   
Pepper⅓ tsp 胡椒粉  
 Water   150ml  水 
(Yields: 380g)(内馅分量: 380克)

* I made double the amount, the above ingredients x2 and I also added 3 cloves of garlic (chopped) and 3 small shallots (chopped), sauteed  with dried shrimps.
*我做两倍的分量,以上的材料x2,我还加了3瓣蒜头 (剁碎)和
3粒 小红葱头(剁碎),一起和虾米爆香。

For Making Fillings:
1. Wash the dried shrimps, soak with some water to soften it, pat dry and chop.
2. Wash and clean jicama and carrot, slice and cut into long thin strips (julienned)
3. Preheat cooking wok, add in 3 tablespoons of cooking oil, add in chopped dried shrimp and stir-fry until fragrant.
4. Add in julienned jicama and carrot, stir-fry until fragrant.
5. Add in 150ml water (dried shrimp soaking water), bring to the boil.
6. Turn heat to medium-low, cover and cook for 8 minutes, stirring occasionally, until jicama is softened. Season with sugar, salt and pepper, turn to high heat and cook until the water has evaporated.

For Making Dough: 
1. Mix wheat starch, tapioca starch and salt.
2. Pour in 250ml boiling water to the flour mixture; mix with spatula as while the dough is hot.
3. Add in cooking oil gradually; when the dough is cool enough to work with hand, knead until a smooth and shiny dough is formed.
4. Divide dough into 18 portions, 25 g each, cover with cling wrap to prevent from drying.
5. Press to flatten dough into round shape; fill with jicama carrot filling.
6. Fold, seal and pleat the edge.
7. Bring water to boil in a steamer, steam the dumpling over medium heat for 8 minutes.
8. Lightly coat the steamed dumpling with some oil while hot. ( I used fried shallots oil, more fragrant)

This recipe makes 18 crystal dumplings; the rest can be frozen for 3 months in the freezer; make sure they are not stack tightly together. Steam the frozen dumpling for 10 minutes without thawing, serve and enjoy.


1. 虾米冲洗干净,加入水浸泡软后,沥干剁碎。
2. 把沙葛和红萝卜刨成薄片,然后切成细丝。
3. 把锅子烧热,加入3汤匙食油,然后加入剁碎虾米小火爆香。
4. 加入沙葛丝和红萝卜丝,拌炒至香。
5. 加入150毫升浸泡虾米的水,加热至滚开。
6. 调至中小火,盖上锅盖焖煮8分钟,间中搅拌,把沙葛煮软后加入糖、盐和胡椒粉调味,搅拌均匀,开大火把水分收干后即可。搁置一旁冷却待用。

提示: 烹煮时间供参考,如果水分不够多,可以多加少许水,沙葛萝卜丝软度依个人喜好。

2. 把水滚开后倒入粉类里,用刮刀搅拌成粉团。
3. 加入食油搓揉成光滑粉团。
4. 把粉团分成18份,每个约25克,搓圆用保鲜膜盖起来以免风干。
5. 取出一个粉团,把粉团压成薄薄一片圆形,加入馅料在中间。
6. 把内馅包起。皮的边捏紧,折花边收口。
7. 放入蒸盘里,水滚后中火蒸8分钟。
8. 趁热涂上一层油。(我用葱头油,更香)


食谱来自: 清闲廚房

Happy making!
