Pumpkin Kuih With Mung Bean Filling绿豆沙南瓜粿

One of my favourite kuih.  Love the filling and pumpkin flavour skin. Yummy...😋

I forgot to take the pictures of each steps in making this Pumpkin Kuih  ... sigh!!  😓

Pumpkin Kuih With Mung Bean Filling绿豆沙南瓜粿 

Ingredients for skin (糕皮料):
250g glutinous rice flour (糯米粉)*(200g)
1 tbsp wheat starch (澄粉)
1 tbsp caster sugar (细砂糖)
2 tbsp oil(食油)
150g pumpkin (南瓜泥)(130g)
120 ml water(水)(110ml)

* My pantry left 200g of glutinous rice flour.😅 So, I  reduced the amount of pumpkin puree to 130g  and water to 110ml. ( Made 12 pieces)

Ingredients for filling :
300g split green peas (washed, soaked for 4 hours, steamed and mashed)(綠豆瓣浸泡水中4小時,沥干,蒸熟后压成泥)
75g caster sugar (细砂糖)
1 tsp salt (盐)
1/2 tsp pepper(胡椒粉)
2 tbsp of fried shallot slices(葱头油)

1. Steam mung beans for 30 to 40 minutes. Mash through a wire sieve or blend until fine whilst hot and leave aside.

2. Heat a non-stick saucepan with oil, fry shallots till golden brown then dish out and set aside. 

3. Stir fry mashed mung bean over low heat until dry. Transfer to a bowl. Add in sugar, salt and pepper and stirring constantly until sugar and salt dissolves.

4. Add fried shallot slices and mix well and set aside to cool. 

The skin: 
1. Put dry ingredients  in a large mixing bowl. Add corn oil , pumpkin puree and water . Mix and knead into a pliable dough.

2. Divide dough into equal portions(40g each). Roll each piece into a ball and flatten slightly. Place some filling in each piece of dough. Pinch and seal the edges to form round shapes.

3. Lightly press the filled dough and place pumpkin kuih on oiled banana leaf  .

4. Steam over medium heat over boiling water for 10 minutes.

5. Remove and brush lightly with fried shallot oil.

Recipe apdated from: Kathrine Kwa

Happy Making!
