Homemade Hamburger Buns 自制汉堡胚

Homemade hamburger, less oil and less sugar, fast fermentation, easy to make and delicious!😉

☝Homemade Beef Burger😋❤️

Homemade Hamburger Buns  自制汉堡胚


高筋面粉 Bread flour 150g 
中筋面粉 All purpose flour 55g 
糖Sugar 25g 
水Water 50g 
牛奶Milk 50g 
酵母Yeast 3g 
全蛋 Half egg半个 
黄油 Butter 15g
白芝麻/黑芝麻White sesame seeds/ black sesame seeds 适量
蛋液表刷面(剩下的蛋液)Egg Wash 适量

汉堡胚的做法 : 

  1. 除黄油以外所有的面团材料放进搅拌机里揉5分钟后加入黄油揉至出膜,光滑面团。
  2. 让面团发酵至2倍大,取出排气。平均分为6等份,每个重约60g。如需做mini小汉堡则分成12份(每个重约30g),滚圆,盖上保鲜膜醒发15分钟。
  3. 再次压扁,卷起,滚圆,全部做好后放进烤箱,发酵至2倍大。
  4. 发酵好的面团取出刷蛋液。用全蛋液(和面没用完的)刷在发酵好的面团上,只需要薄薄的一层就好,撒上白芝麻进行装饰。
  5. 预热烤箱170℃,烤13分钟左右就好了。





  1. Put all the dough ingredients( except the butter) into a blender and beat for 5 minutes, then add in butter and beat till form a smooth dough.
  2.  Let the dough ferment till double in size. Divided into 6 equal portions, each weigh about 60g. Shape it into a round ball and cover it with plastic wrap and rest for 15 minutes.
  3. Final shaping it and put it in the oven and ferment it for an hour.
  4. Brush egg wash on the fermented dough. Just apply a thin layer and sprinkle with white sesame seeds for decoration.
  5. Preheat the oven at 170 ° C and bake for about 13 minutes.


Make the burger in advance. Just add the favorite ingredients and  salad dressing in next morning. A good day starts with breakfast.

Happy Baking!
