There is some leftover Pandan juice after making the Ondeh-Ondeh Cake, so I made again Pandan cake with the pandan juice.😘
蛋黄 egg yolk 4
细砂糖 castor sugar 40g
植物油 vegetable oil 80g
斑兰汁 pandan juice 40g
椰浆 Coconut milk 40g
低筋面粉 cake flour 120g
泡打粉 baking powder 1tsp
蛋白 egg whites 4
塔塔粉 cream of tartar 1/4tsp
细砂糖 castor sugar 60g
1. 把9吋 (23-cm)圆形/四方形烤盘抹上油和铺上不沾烤盘纸。
2. 把烤炉预热至160°C/320°F
3. 把蛋白放入干净的搅拌碗,以低速打至起粗泡。加入塔塔粉,继续打至细泡。慢慢的把砂糖加入,继续打至干性发泡 (搅拌器拉起蛋白霜会形成直立状)。
4. 把蛋黄和糖打至浓稠状,加入玉米油和椰浆混合均匀,加入香兰汁拌匀。
5. 把低筋面粉和泡打粉混合过筛,然后再过筛加入蛋黄浆,搅拌均匀至无粉状。
6. 把蛋白霜分3次加入面糊,用手搅拌器轻轻混合。再用刮刀轻轻翻拌至完全混合。(温馨提示:把蛋白霜拌入面糊时,动作要轻而快。橡皮刮刀从碗底往上翻转,翻拌至均匀,不可画圈搅拌,避免蛋白霜消泡。)
7. 面糊倒入烤盘,再将烤盘敲击桌面数次。
8. 以160°C/320°F烘烤25分钟后,调至180°C/355°F继续烘烤10-15分钟,至完全熟透 (用木签插入蛋糕中心不粘面糊)。
9. 出炉后,让烤盘从离桌面1尺跌下,以减少蛋糕收缩。把蛋糕脱模后放在铁架上至完全冷却。
10. 冷却后蛋糕体切对半,搽上奶油,再盖上一层蛋糕体,上面再搽上奶油即可。可以撒上椰丝装饰。
1. Grease an 9" (23-cm) round/square baking pan and put non-stick baking paper.
2. Preheat the oven to 160°C/320°F
3. Beat egg whites with tar tar powder till foamy, add in sugar gradually and beat untill firm peak.
4. Cream egg yolks and sugar with a hand whisk. Then add in oil and coconut milk, stir well.
5. Add pandan water and green food colouring(optional), mix well.
6. Sift together cake flour and baking power and salt. Whisk till incorporated.
7. Add 1/3 portions of meringue into egg mixtures, mix well. Then fold in remaining meringue, mix well.
8. Pour into lined pan and bake at 160°C / 320°F for 25 minutes, then adjust to 180°C / 355°F and continue to bake for 10-15 minutes until fully cooked or until a skewer inserted in the middle comes out clean.
9. Remove pan from oven and unmold to cool.
食谱参考(稍微更改):清闲厨房 & Thai Food Cooking
Happy Baking!
There is some leftover Pandan juice after making the Ondeh-Ondeh Cake, so I made again Pandan cake with the pandan juice.😘
蛋黄 egg yolk 4
细砂糖 castor sugar 40g
植物油 vegetable oil 80g
斑兰汁 pandan juice 40g
椰浆 Coconut milk 40g
低筋面粉 cake flour 120g
泡打粉 baking powder 1tsp
蛋白 egg whites 4
塔塔粉 cream of tartar 1/4tsp
细砂糖 castor sugar 60g
1. 把9吋 (23-cm)圆形/四方形烤盘抹上油和铺上不沾烤盘纸。
2. 把烤炉预热至160°C/320°F
3. 把蛋白放入干净的搅拌碗,以低速打至起粗泡。加入塔塔粉,继续打至细泡。慢慢的把砂糖加入,继续打至干性发泡 (搅拌器拉起蛋白霜会形成直立状)。
4. 把蛋黄和糖打至浓稠状,加入玉米油和椰浆混合均匀,加入香兰汁拌匀。
5. 把低筋面粉和泡打粉混合过筛,然后再过筛加入蛋黄浆,搅拌均匀至无粉状。
6. 把蛋白霜分3次加入面糊,用手搅拌器轻轻混合。再用刮刀轻轻翻拌至完全混合。(温馨提示:把蛋白霜拌入面糊时,动作要轻而快。橡皮刮刀从碗底往上翻转,翻拌至均匀,不可画圈搅拌,避免蛋白霜消泡。)
7. 面糊倒入烤盘,再将烤盘敲击桌面数次。
8. 以160°C/320°F烘烤25分钟后,调至180°C/355°F继续烘烤10-15分钟,至完全熟透 (用木签插入蛋糕中心不粘面糊)。
9. 出炉后,让烤盘从离桌面1尺跌下,以减少蛋糕收缩。把蛋糕脱模后放在铁架上至完全冷却。
10. 冷却后蛋糕体切对半,搽上奶油,再盖上一层蛋糕体,上面再搽上奶油即可。可以撒上椰丝装饰。
1. Grease an 9" (23-cm) round/square baking pan and put non-stick baking paper.
2. Preheat the oven to 160°C/320°F
3. Beat egg whites with tar tar powder till foamy, add in sugar gradually and beat untill firm peak.
4. Cream egg yolks and sugar with a hand whisk. Then add in oil and coconut milk, stir well.
5. Add pandan water and green food colouring(optional), mix well.
6. Sift together cake flour and baking power and salt. Whisk till incorporated.
7. Add 1/3 portions of meringue into egg mixtures, mix well. Then fold in remaining meringue, mix well.
8. Pour into lined pan and bake at 160°C / 320°F for 25 minutes, then adjust to 180°C / 355°F and continue to bake for 10-15 minutes until fully cooked or until a skewer inserted in the middle comes out clean.
9. Remove pan from oven and unmold to cool.
食谱参考(稍微更改):清闲厨房 & Thai Food Cooking
Happy Baking!
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