Mocha Zebra Chiffon Cake

Lately, I've been busy making mooncakes. Hmm... Today, I made a cake, just because I wanted to eat cake...😜

Mocha Zebra chiffon  
Cake Tube Pan 18cm (6”)

Preheat Oven to 160°C 
Bake for 45mins 


4 Egg Yolk(蛋黄)
35g Oil(玉米油)
50g Milk(牛奶水)
50g Cake Flour(低筋面粉)
1tbsp Cocoa Powder (可可粉)
1/2tsp Mocha paste (摩卡膏)
1 tsp instant coffee powder (即溶咖啡粉)
1 tsp hot water (热水)
*Prepare the coffee mixture first: Disolve instant coffee powder with hot water

4 Egg Whites(蛋白)
40g Sugar  (细砂糖)
1/2tsp Lemon Juice(optional)(柠檬汁)(可以不放)

1.  Slightly whisk egg yolks and add in oil & milk and mix well.
2. Add in sifted flour & salt into the batter, mix well. Set aside.
3. Beat egg whites until frothy then add in lemon juice and beat it till foamy, add in sugar gradually and beat it till firm peaks.
4. Fold meringue into the egg mixtures in three portions.
Divide the  batter into two portions. Add sifted cocoa powder and coffee nixture into one portion of batter.
5. Scoop alternatively into a tube pan.
6.Tab the pan to remove air bubbles and bake in the bottom third rack at 160°C for 35-40 minutes.
7. Once it done, remove from oven and let it cool completely before unmould it. 

1. 轻轻搅拌蛋黄,加入油和牛奶拌匀。
2. 将筛过的面粉和盐加入面糊中,搅拌均匀。搁置。
3. 加入柠檬汁并将蛋清搅打至泡沫状,逐渐加入糖并将其打至中等硬度。
4. 将蛋白糊分次加入鸡蛋混合物中,搅拌均匀。
5. 将面糊分成两份。将过筛的可可粉和咖啡混合物加入面糊的一部分中。
7. 轻敲烤盘去除气泡,在160°C的底层第三个架子上烘烤35-40分钟。
7. 从烤箱中取出,让其完全冷却后才取出,切片享用。

Enjoy Baking!
