3D Flower Snowy Mooncake 3D花样冰皮月饼

这个浮花月饼的灵感來自越南的BEEMART 我只是将这个灵感用在做冰皮月饼上。成果不错,不止是视觉上的享受,月饼也好吃!😘
This floating flower mooncake is inspired by BEEMART from Vietnam. I just used this inspiration for making snow skin  mooncakes. The results are good, not only for visual enjoyment, but the mooncakes taste good too!😊


冰皮材料Snowy Skin:

糯米粉 50g Glutinous rice flour 
粘米粉 50g Rice Flour
澄粉 30g  Tang Min Flour (Wheat Starch Flour)
面粉 25g  Plain Flour
糖粉 50g  Powder sugar
鮮奶 250g Fresh Milk
炼奶 30g  Condensed Milk
玉米油 30g Corn Oil

奶黃餡Custard filling:

面粉 15g Flour 
吉士粉 15g Custard powder
奶粉 15g Milk powder 
砂糖 20g Sugar
鸡蛋 1 只 Egg
鲜奶 115g Fresh milk 
牛油 25g Butter  
咸蛋黃 六粒 Salted egg yolk
黄油20g Butter

4.在面团仍然保持温热时揉面团,揉至光滑的面团,放在一边。 用保鲜膜,放在一边。

1. 咸蛋黄以大火蒸5分钟。一旦完成,将其捣碎并加入黄油拌匀。用保鲜膜裹成长柱形后放在冰箱里。
2. 混合所有奶黄馅料除黄油外。将其过筛三次以获得无颗粒的面糊。将黄油加加热,加入奶黄面糊,用小火煮至不粘锅的光滑面团,离火。


1.  Mix everything together and mix well. Add in Condensed milk and oil and mix well.
2. Cover the mixtures with clingwrap and steam in high heat for 30 minutes.
3. Once it done, use a chopstick to loosen the dough, cover and set aside .
4. Knead the dough while it's still warm till you get a smooth dough. Wrapped with cling wrap, set aside.
5. Divide dough into 25g(according to the size of your mould ) and then wrap up the paste mixture. 
6. Press into a mooncake mould and knock it out. Decorated it with prepared snowy skin flowers.

Make filling:
1. Steam the salted egg yolks in high heat for 5 minutes. Once it's done, mashed it and add in butter and mix well. Put on a clingwrap and roll into a log. Keep in freezer.
2.  Mix all custard ingredients except butter. Sifted it three times to get a smooth batter. Heat butter in a pan, add in custard batter and cook till you get a smooth dough.
3. Cut the salted egg yolks in cubes.
4. Divided the custard fillings and weigh with salted yolk together 25g. Roll into a round ball, set aside.

1. For the snowskin, I used Matcha powder for green colour and Purple sweet potato powder for purple colour.

Happy Making!
