Rainbow Flaky Mooncakes 彩虹酥皮月饼

“ 国庆日快乐!
I felt very lazy today. . .  well, I waited until 10 o'clock evening, then I started to make this dreamy coloured rainbow flaky mooncake.😉
 I wish everyone:                       

Rainbow Flaky Mooncakes 彩虹酥皮月饼

*This recipe can make 10 pcs with salted egg yolk(80g filling) + 2pcs without egg yolks(40g filling)

Ingredients :

Water dough (水皮):

150g All Purpose Flour(中筋面粉)
20g icing sugar (糖粉)
50g shortening(白油或猪油)
60ml water(水)

Oil dough(油皮):
120g cake flour(低筋面粉)
60g shortening(白油)
Food Coloring 食用色素

Fillings Ingredient (内陷材料) :
770g red bean paste (豆沙馅)( I used three type of paste: Red bean paste, Lotus seed paste and Purple sweet potato paste)
30g toasted melon seeds(烘香瓜子仁)
Salted egg Yolk 5pcs( steamed or baked and cut in half) (蒸或烤咸蛋黄5粒后切一半)


1. For filling, steam salted egg yolks for about 6 minutes in high heat. Set aside to cool. 

2. Mix melon seeds with red bean paste, and weigh it together with salted egg yolk to 80g for 10 portions and 40g for 2 portions.

3.For water dough , mix all the ingredient and knead into a dough. Don't knead too long, as long as the ingredients are mixed nicely. Cover with cling paper and leave it to rest for about 25 mins. 

4. For oil dough, mix everything and knead into a dough. Devide into 4 portions. Each portion mix with the colour. Divide the colored oil dough into 6 portion (6 portion for each color ). 

5. Divide water dough into 6 portions. 

6. Roll water dough into a flat round shape, then wrap the 4 color oil dough into it. Roll it into a rectangular shape, and roll it into a log. Repeat until all the dough are used up. 

7. Roll it flat as thin as possible. Do it softly and slowly and prevent it from tearing. 

8. Roll it into a log from side angle. You may choose any angle that you want, you will get different tone and different color using different angle .

9. Using rolling pin ,roll it flat as thin as possible, remember to do it softly and slowly to prevent it from tearing .Roll it up making it look like a Swiss roll. Cover it and Leave it aside to rest for 15 minutes.

10. Cut the dough into 2 pieces using a very sharp knife, do not pull or slide out the knife as it will smear the pretty colors.

11. Slightly flatten the dough using palm . Make sure that the CUT side is facing DOWN.

12. Roll it flat, roughly into a size of your palm.

13. Wrap the filling with it , gently pull the dough upwards and around the filling . (Use thumb from another hand to gently apply some pressure on the filling) Seal it once the filling is fully covered with the dough. 

14. Bake the moon cake in a preheated oven at 180C for about 25 minutes. 

15. Your beautiful spiral moon cake is now done and is ready to serve !

1. As for the 80g filling would be a bit hard to wrap, so I advice to use 65g or 70g.
2. You can follow Little Duck's Kitchen recipe, make 14 pcs with 35g of filling. (Total paste used 400g)
3. You can use the whole salted egg yolk to make mooncake.
4. Please observe the progress of baking as every oven differs in condition/temperature according to its quality and consistency.

👇Prepared these small gift for my neighbour and Mum in law.😘

Recipe source from (Slight changes):  Little Duck's Kitchen

Happy Baking!
