Crispy skin moon cake 脆皮月饼

中秋节即将来临,自己亲手烤制一些应景的月饼,与家人 一块享用,一来做做过瘾一下,二来满足自己和家人的味蕾啦!😉
A Fusion style pastry crust mooncakes with homemade red bean and sweet potato fillings. Light and healthy, not too sweet and free of preservatives. It is a perfect complement with a cup of Chinese tea.😘


👆Ready to bake...


   Tips: 👆用两张胶袋包裹面团,然后用平底的碗压一压,一个圆形面皮就形成了啦!

分量:12个月饼 (50g月饼模)
(Storage period :4-7 days at room temperature, 2-3 weeks if chilled)

Unsalted butter无盐奶油85g 
Powder sugar糖粉45g 
Egg mixtures蛋液15g 
Whipping cream动物鲜奶油15g 
Cake flour低筋面粉180g 
Custard powder卡士達粉12g 
Coconut powder椰子粉6g(我用奶粉I used milk powder)

Egg wash扫面:
Egg yolk蛋黃1颗,water水2g
Inverted syrup 转化糖浆10g,water水1g(我用蜜糖I used Honey)

Purple Sweet Potato Filling紫薯馅料120g
Red Bean Paste Filling 红豆沙馅料120g

10. 预热烤箱230度。准备扫面蛋液和糖浆水。
12. 取出放在烤架上待凉。


1. Add the powdered sugar to the softened butter and mix well.
2. Add the egg mixture gradually and mix well.
3. Add the whipping cream gradualy and mix evenly.
4. Add the sifted flour(dry ingredients), mix it evenly, and knead it slightly into a smooth dough.
5. Seal with cling wrap and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
6. The fillings divided into 6 equal portions and make into a round ball(20 g each, total 12 portions).
7. Divide the dough into 12 equal portions ( 30g each), make it into a ball, and cover with cling wrap.
8. Flatten the dough and wrap in filling, make it into a round ball, then use the mooncake mold out the shape.
9. Cover with cling wrap and put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
10. Preheat the oven 230C. Prepare the egg wash and syrup water.
11. Bake the mooncakes in preheated oven 230C for 8 minutes. Take out, apply a thin layer of egg wash on the surface of the mooncakes, leave it for 10 minutes, then apply again egg wash and send it to the oven bake for 5 minutes. Remove and apply a layer of syrup water. The temperature of the oven is adjusted to 200C and bake at upper layer for 1-2 minutes.
12. Remove from oven and cool on the rack.

***(Baking time and degree may vary from the brand and type of your oven) 

Happy Baking!
